... Julgo que depois destes malabarismos, os currículos das pessoas com funções políticas activas com o propósito de praticar o bem comum de uma nação, devem ser exigidos e publicados em Diário da Republica para qualquer cidadão poder consultar e certificar-se das habilitações de cada politico. Não deve ser uma opção, mas uma condição contemplada numa lei própria para o efeito, pois como sabemos, nenhum trabalhador é admitido numa função numa empresa, sem referências e/ou curriculo académico/profissional. será verdade que o PS está "calado" neste caso da licenciatura de M. Relvas porque o Irmão Maçon António Seguro dos Bancos (da Universidade Lusófona) foi um dos professores envolvido no processo?...

Occupy Portugal, Grécia, Espanha, Itália: Associação Popular Democracia Real Já Ya Informação Livre de Censura; Maçonaria: Conheça A Sociedade Phi Beta Kappa;Elite da Conspiração Global

A Chave Phi Beta Kappa, simbolo maçonico, maçonaria, secreto, sociedadews secretas

A Phi Beta Kappa foi a primeira sociedade de "cultura grega", fundada em 1776 no College of William and Mary. A Phi Beta Kappa diz ser uma sociedade literária, um lugar para debates intelectuais. O sigilo e os rituais das fraternidades sociais modernas começaram com a Phi Beta Kappa [fonte: Encarta (em inglês)].

Introdução á Sociedade Phi Beta Kappa

 PHI BETA KAPPA - Tal como os vértices dum triângulo, 3 nomes. Um delta tem três lados... phi - 1,  beta -2 Kappa -3.

Sociedade Phi Beta Kappa, é uma sociedade academica, da honra com a missão de "promover e de reconhecer a excellence" em artes e em ciências liberais do meio universitário. Fundada na Faculdade de William e Mary 5 de Dezembro de 1776, é a mais antiga sociedade fraternal existente nos EUA . A sociedade é concedida a aproximadamente 1% de graduados da faculdade, e hoje há uma cerca de 270 capítulos...

Maçonaria, Sociedades, sociedades secretas, conspiração, Crise Económica

O (???) Phi Beta Kappa, começou como uma sociedade literária e filosófica secreta no Faculdade de William e de Mary em 1776. O segundo capítulo foi estabelecido em dezembro em 4, 1779, e o third em dezembro em 8 do mesmo ano. Os capítulos subseqüentes foram estabelecidos em em 1787, Faculdade Da União em 1817, Faculdade De Bowdoin em 1825, e em 1830. O secrecy foi abandonado em 1831 durante um período de forte anti-Masonic sentiment.

Por volta de 1883, quando os capítulos unidos da phi beta Kappa foram estabelecidos, havia 25 capítulos. As primeiras mulheres foram elegidas à sociedade no Universidade de Vermont em 1875, e no primeiro membro Africano-Americano foi elegido na mesma instituição dois anos mais tarde.

Cada capítulo é designado por seu estado e por uma letra grega que indica a ordem em que os capítulos desse estado foram fundados. Para o exemplo, o alfa de Pensilvânia consulta ao capítulo em (1887); Beta de Pensilvânia em (1887); Gamma de Pensilvânia em Faculdade De Lafayette (1890); e delta de Pensilvânia no (1892).

Havia 86 capítulos dentro de 86 diferentes escolas. Incluíram:

O símbolo da sociedade phi beta Kappa  é uma chave d ouro gravada com a imagem de um dedo apontando e de três estrelas (simbolos maçónico). Estes representam a ambição dos scholars novos e os três princípios distinguindo da sociedade: friendship, morality, e aprendizagem. Na parte traseira da chave é SP das iniciais o "," que estão para as palavras latin "philosophiae dos societas."

Um mero aparte, ew a  Título de Exemplo do funcionamento destas sociedades, veja-se o


organização Phi Gamma Delta, Fraternidade, irmão, Campo de acção, poder político, Poder Económico, Poder financeiro, organização
Campo de acção,
poder político, Económico e financeiro da organização
Fraternidade Phi Gamma Delta


A Phi Beta Kappa foi fundada em 1776, mesmo ano de fundação dos Illuminati da Baviera (coincidência?). Uma boa parte de seus membros participou da revolução pela independência americana. Os seus membros (entre eles, George H.W. Bush -- Yale, 1948 )  são escolhidos a dedo nas duzentas principais universidades norte-americanas. Mas, no final da década de 1820, houve nos Estados Unidos uma forte pressão para que sociedades secretas "viessem a luz". A pressão foi tão grande, que por volta de 1830, a Phi Beta Kappa foi forçada a tornar-se pública e a dizer quem eram os seus membros. Devido a isso, teria sido necessário fundar uma outra sociedade secreta que substituisse a Phi Beta Kappa. Resumindo: a revelação da Phi Beta Kappa teria criado a necessidade de fundar a Skull & Bonnes.

Historia da Phi Beta Kappa e a Hierarquia Maçônica

Crise Europa, Euro, Portugal, Espanha, Grécia, Maçonaria, Dinheiro, Revolução

Quer ver uma lista de quem-é-quem das pessoas mais poderosas da história americana? Confira abaixo, a lista de membros da fraternidade Phi Beta Kappa. Elluminati aponta em um blog recente postagem que 5 dos últimos 6 presidentes ou são iniciados PBK ou filhos de um (incluindo Obama).
E sim, PBK é um passo muito alto na pirâmide maçônica, bem acima dos Freemies. A partir da Scottish Rite Journal:

A primeira fraternidade a surgir nos EUA, Phi Beta Kappa, foi fortemente influenciado pela Craft: "A loja primeira maçônica terá surgido em Williamsburg tão cedo quanto em 1750, e em 1773 recebeu uma carta da Grande Loja da Inglaterra .... Thomas Smith pertencia ao lodge Williamsburg antes de se juntar Heath como um dos cinco fundadores da Phi Beta Kappa ... Nove outros membros da sociedade juntaram-se à loja maçônica durante o ano seguinte. "

Entretanto, surgiram fortes pressões de movimentos anti-maçonaria, e de facto, foi essa pressão do movimento anti-maçônico que levou a haver mudanças na PBK, como o fim do sigilo e, mais tarde, a admissão de mulheres.

A agitação anti-maçônica da década de 1820 levou a muita discussão em Dartmouth, Harvard e Yale acerca do secretismo e do juramento da Phi Beta Kappa. Em 1831, o Alpha em Harvard, sob a liderança de Edward Everett, Joseph Story, e John Quincy Adams, removeram a exigência de sigilo.
o fogo
Mas os movimento anti-maçons, simplesmente foram o lume  que fez ferver a frigideira, já que as mudanças na PBK levaram à criação da Skull & Bonnes (Caveira e Ossos):

Phi Beta Kappa deu a ideia de ter desistido do seu aspecto de sociedade secreta em 1832 e tornou-se numa aparente "organização  honorária, aparentemente aberta", aparentemente aberta, visto que que os membros da PBK, são escolhidos dentre a elite, e o controle da PBK, estende-se ao topo de todos os sectores e controle da sociedde civil.
Nessa altura, "[in] protesto, aparentemente, William H. Russell, o orador oficial de 1833, juntou-se com Alphonso Taft e treze outros membros de grau '33 para formar o que agora é talvez a mais famosa sociedade secreta nos Estados Unidos. ", Skull & Bonnes . Skull and Cross Bones

Apesar de aparentemente aberta, muitos pesquisadores acreditam que PBK foi simplesmente o ramo norte-americano dos Illuminati da Baviera: (The Bavarian Illuminati)

Alguns historiadores questionam a relação entre os Illuminati da Baviera e Phi Beta Kappa e, portanto, Caveira e Ossos. O argumento é que Adam Weishaupt não formar seu grupo até Maio de 1776 e que nos seis meses seguintes não houve tempo suficiente para a comunicação ...
No entanto, outros pesquisadores afirmam de forma muito clara que Phi Beta Kappa é a "Bavarian Illuminati, ... espalhou-se para a América" ​​e "da Ordem Maçônica, provavelmente, influenciou a fundação da Sociedade PBK em William e Mary."

Se filiados ou não, secreta ou não, essas fraternidades de alto nível da faculdade são maçônicas para o núcleo interno, é mais uma espécie de maçonaria dsissimulada. Não é qualquer um que pode entrar. Essas organizações existem para enfeitar os alunos mais ambiciosos para uma vida de lealdade e de serviço para a fraternidade, e em troca eles desfrutam de todos os privilégios e vantagens que a elite governamental e empresarial pode oferecer.
Estas organizações, encerram nas suas fileiras homens de confiança nos postes de controle (nas Torres) das mais variadas profissões, e na aplicação das e engenharia das leis.
Vejamos agora, o universo de controle da PBK.

Lista de Membros da Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa Society
FRATERNAL HONOR SOCIETY, Founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary.
Official Website: http://www.pbk.org/
Founding Date: 1776
Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Dean Acheson Government 11-Apr-1893 12-Oct-1971 US Secretary of State, 1949-53
Bruce Ackerman Scholar 19-Aug-1943 We the People
Brock Adams Politician 13-Jan-1927 10-Sep-2004 US Senator from Washington, 1987-93
John Quincy Adams Head of State 11-Jul-1767 23-Feb-1848 6th US President, 1825-29
Roger Adams Chemist 2-Jan-1889 6-Jul-1971 Organic chemist at Illinois
Paul Adelstein Actor 29-Apr-1969 Prison Break
Herbert Agar Journalist 29-Sep-1897 24-Nov-1980 The People's Choice
Mary Cunningham Agee Activist 1951 The Nurturing Network
Carl B. Albert Politician 10-May-1908 4-Feb-2000 Congressman from
Oklahoma, 1946-76
Ruggero J. Aldisert Judge 10-Nov-1919 3rd Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1968-86
Lamar Alexander Politician 3-Jul-1940 US Senator from Tennessee
Horatio Alger Author 13-Jan-1832 18-Jul-1899 Ragged Dick
Samuel Alito Judge 1-Apr-1950 US Supreme Court Justice
George V. Allen Diplomat 3-Nov-1903 11-Jul-1970 US Ambassador to Iran, 1946-48
John A. Allison Business 14-Aug-1948 CEO of BB&T
Donna M. Alvarado Business 8-Nov-1948 Aguila International
Luis W. Alvarez Physicist 13-Jun-1911 1-Sep-1988 Particle accelerator,
extinction of dinosaurs
Laurie Anderson Performance Artist 5-Jun-1947 Tape bow violinist and performance artist
Sigurd Anderson Politician 22-Jan-1904 21-Dec-1990 Governor of South
Dakota, 1951-55
Charles McLean Andrews Historian 22-Feb-1863 9-Sep-1943 The Colonial Period of American History
Robert E. Andrews Politician 4-Aug-1957 Congressman, New Jersey 1st
Robert E. Angelica Business c. 1949 CEO of AT&T
Investment Mgmt., 1999-2006
Decker Anstrom Business 2-Aug-1950 COO of Landmark
Brent R. Appel Judge c. 1951 Justice, Iowa Supreme Court
Anne L. Armstrong Government 27-Dec-1927 30-Jul-2008 US Ambassador to the UK, 1976-77
Chester A. Arthur Head of State 5-Oct-1829 18-Nov-1886 21st US President,
Isaac Asimov Author 2-Jan-1920 6-Apr-1992 Foundation
John Atanasoff Inventor 4-Oct-1903 15-Jun-1995 Atanasoff-Berry Computer
Paul S. Atkins Government 1958 Securities and Exchange Commission
Donald B. Ayer Attorney 30-Apr-1949 Partner, Jones Day
James Bacchus Politician 21-Jun-1949 Congressman from
Florida, 1991-95
Mario L. Baeza Business c. 1951 Baeza & Co.
Brian Baird Politician 7-Mar-1956 Congressman from
Washington, 1999-2011
John C. Baldwin Doctor c. 1949 Health Sciences Center, Texas Tech
Simeon E. Baldwin Politician 5-Feb-1840 30-Jan-1927 Governor of Connecticut, 1911-15
W. Scott Bales Judge c. 1956 Justice, Arizona Supreme Court
Ian Ballantine Publisher 15-Feb-1916 9-Mar-1995 Paperback magnate
Hank Barnette Business c. 1934 CEO of Bethlehem Steel, 1992-2000
Joseph W. Barr Government 17-Jan-1918 23-Feb-1996 US Secretary of the
Treasury, 1968-69
Tom Barrett Politician 8-Dec-1953 Mayor of Milwaukee
Bill Bass Scientist 30-Aug-1928 Human decomposition
John S. Battle Politician 11-Jul-1890 9-Apr-1972 Governor of Virginia,
Cliff Battles Football 1-May-1910 28-Apr-1981 NFL Hall-of-Famer
Emily Morison Beck Editor c. 1916 28-Mar-2004 Editor of Bartlett's
Henry P. Becton, Jr. Business 1943 WGBH Educational
Steven C. Beering Educator 1932 President of Purdue,
Alexander Graham Bell Inventor 3-Mar-1847 2-Aug-1922 Inventor of the telephone
Richard Benedick Diplomat ? US negotiator to the
Montreal Protocol
Gregory Benford Novelist 30-Jan-1941 Physicist and author of Timescape
Douglas J. Bennet Educator 23-Jun-1938 President of Wesleyan University, 1995-2007
Duane Benton Judge 8-Sep-1950 8th Circuit Court of
Doug Bereuter Politician 6-Oct-1939 Congressman from
Nebraska, 1979-2004
Emily Bergl Actor 25-Apr-1975 Annie O'Donnell on Men
in Trees
Ann E. Berman Business c. 1952 CFO of Harvard
University, 2002-06
Ben Bernanke Economist 13-Dec-1953 Federal Reserve Chairman
Brian A. Bernasek Business c. 1972 Partner, Carlyle Group
Leonard Bernstein Conductor 25-Aug-1918 14-Oct-1990 Conductor, New York Philharmonic
John Berryman Poet 25-Oct-1914 7-Jan-1972 Homage to Mistress
Jeff Bezos Business 12-Jan-1964 Founder of Amazon
Benazir Bhutto Head of State 21-Jun-1953 27-Dec-2007 Former prime minister of Pakistan
Alexander Bickel Scholar 17-Dec-1924 7-Nov-1974 The Least Dangerous
James Crawford Biggs Politician 29-Aug-1872 30-Jan-1960 US Solicitor General,
Robert Worth Bingham Business 8-Nov-1871 18-Dec-1937 Publisher of The
Louisville Courier-Journal
John P. Birkelund Business 23-Jun-1930 Chairman of Dillon Read,1986-98
J. Michael Bishop Scientist 22-Feb-1936 Genetic causes of cancer
Harry Blackmun Judge 12-Nov-1908 4-Mar-1999 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1970-94
Rebecca M. Blank Economist 19-Sep-1955 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1998-99
Roy Blount, Jr. Author 5-Oct-1941 Humorist
Richard Blumenthal Government 13-Feb-1946 US Senator from
Barbara Bodine Diplomat 1948 US Ambassador to Yemen, 1997-2001
Theodore R. Boehm Judge 12-Sep-1938 Justice, Indiana Supreme Court
Paul H. Boeker Diplomat 2-May-1938 29-Mar-2003 US Ambassador to Jordan, 1984-87
David Boies Attorney Mar-1941 Represented Gore in Bush v. Gore
W. E. B. Du Bois Sociologist 23-Feb-1868 27-Aug-1963 Civil rights activist
Sissela Bok Scholar 2-Dec-1934 Ethicist
David Bonderman Business c.
Billionaire, Texas
Pacific Group
David M. Borden Judge 4-Aug-1937 Justice, CT Supreme
Court, 1990-2007
Robert Bork Government 1-Mar-1927 Fired Archibald Cox, later got himself borked
Michael J. Boskin Economist
23-Sep-1945 Economics Professor at Stanford
Roy J. Bostock Business 25-Sep-1940 Chairman of Yahoo,
Margot Botsford Judge 16-Mar-1947 Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Court
Edward Bouchet Physicist 15-Sep-1852 28-Oct-1918 First African-American PhD
Henry S. Boutell Politician 14-Mar-1856 11-Mar-1926 Congressman from
Illinois, 1897-1911
Robert O. Bowen Novelist 7-May-1920 9-Jun-2003 The Weight of the Cross
William G. Bowen Educator 6-Oct-1933 President, Princeton
University, 1972-88
David F. Bradford Economist 8-Jan-1939 22-Feb-2005 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1991-93
John R. Brazil Educator 1946 President of Trinity
University, 2000-10
Gregory Breit Physicist 14-Jul-1899 11-Sep-1981 Proton-proton dispersion
Daryl G. Brewster Business c. 1957 Former CEO of Krispy Kreme
Owen Brewster Politician 22-Feb-1888 25-Dec-1961 Governor and Senator
from Maine
Scott A. Brister Judge 8-Jan-1955 Justice, Texas Supreme Court
Glenn A. Britt Business c. 1949 CEO of Time Warner Cable
Molly Corbett Broad Business 1941 University Chancellor
J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr. Economist 8-Jul-1939 President of the
Richmond Fed, 1993-2004
Tom Brokaw Journalist 6-Feb-1940 Former anchor, NBC
Nightly News
Michael S. Brown Biologist 13-Apr-1941 Metabolism of cholesterol
Herbert Brownell, Jr. Government 20-Feb-1904 1-May-1996 US Attorney General,
Frank Bruni Journalist 31-Oct-1964 New York Times food critic
William C. Bullitt Diplomat 25-Jan-1891 15-Feb-1967 US Ambassador to the USSR, 1933-36
Mary Brown Bullock Historian c. 1945 President of Agnes Scott College, 1995-2006
Mac Bundy Government 30-Mar-1919 16-Sep-1996 National Security
Advisor, 1961-66
Stephen B. Burbank Educator c. 1946 UPenn Law Professor
Stephen B. Burke Business c. 1958 COO of Comcast
Walter Dean Burnham Scholar 1930 Democracy in the Making
R. Nicholas Burns Government 28-Jan-1956 Under Secy of State for Political Affairs, 2005-08
George H.W. Bush Head of State 12-Jun-1924 41st US President,
Jeb Bush Politician 11-Feb-1953 Governor of Florida,
Mary K. Bush Business c. 1949 Bush International
Nicholas Murray Butler Educator 2-Apr-1862 7-Dec-1947 President of Columbia University, 1901-45
William C. Canby, Jr. Judge 22-May-1931 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1980-96
Demetrios James Caraley Educator 22-Jun-1932 President, Academy of Political Science
Dennis W. Carlton Economist c. 1950 Economics Professor,
University of Chicago
Leonard Carmichael Educator 9-Nov-1898 16-Sep-1973 Smithsonian Chief,
Howie Carr Columnist 17-Jan-1952 Boston Herald columnist,talk-radio host
John A. Carrig Business 14-Jan-1952 CFO of Conoco-Phillips
Brad Carson Politician 11-Mar-1967 Congressman from
Oklahoma, 2001-05
Jimmy Carter Head of State 1-Oct-1924 39th US President,
Daniel H. Case III Business 27-Jul-1957 27-Jun-2002 Hambrecht & Quist
R. V. Cassill Novelist 17-May-1919 25-Mar-2002 Dr. Cobb's Game
Richard Celeste Politician 11-Nov-1937 Governor of Ohio, 1983-91
Bennett Cerf Publisher 25-May-1898 27-Aug-1971 Founder of Random House
Jon F. Chait Business c. 1950 CEO of Hudson Highland Group
Jule Charney Scientist 1-Jan-1917 16-Jun-1981 Quasi-gesotrophic theory
Jerome Charyn Novelist 13-May-1937 The Good Policeman
Lynne Cheney First Lady 14-Aug-1941 Wife of US Vice
President Dick Cheney
C. J. Cherryh Author 1-Sep-1942 Cyteen and Downbelow Station
Judy Chicago Artist 20-Jul-1939 The Birth Project
Rachelle B. Chong Government 1959 FCC Commissioner, 1994-97
Steven Chu Physicist 28-Feb-1948 US Secretary of Energy
Frank Church Politician 25-Jul-1924 7-Apr-1984 US Senator from Idaho, 1957-81
Kay Knight Clarke Business c. 1938 Templeton, Ltd.
Eric L. Clay Judge 18-Jan-1948 6th Circuit Court of
Grover Cleveland Head of State 18-Mar-1837 24-Jun-1908 22nd & 24th US
President, 1885-89 & 1893-97
Richard G. Cline Business c. 1935 CEO of Nicor, 1986-95
Bill Clinton Head
of State
19-Aug-1946 42nd US President,
Glenn Close Actor 19-Mar-1947 Fatal Attraction
Robert P. Tristram Coffin Poet 18-Mar-1892 20-Jan-1955 Strange Holiness
Morris Raphael Cohen Philosopher 25-Jul-1880 28-Jan-1947 Reason and Nature
Bainbridge Colby Government 22-Dec-1869 11-Apr-1950 US Secretary of State, 1920-21
William Colby Spy 4-Jan-1920 27-Apr-1996 CIA Director, 1973-75
Bud Colligan Business 14-Aug-1954 CEO of Macromedia,
Susan Collins Politician 7-Dec-1952 US Senator from Maine
Peter Coneway Business c.
US Ambassador to
Denton Cooley Doctor 22-Aug-1920 Pioneering heart surgeon
Calvin Coolidge Head of State 4-Jul-1872 5-Jan-1933 30th US President,
Jim Cooper Politician 19-Jun-1954 Congressman, Tennessee 5th
Leon N. Cooper Physicist 28-Feb-1930 BCS Theory of
Francis Ford Coppola Film Director 7-Apr-1939 The Godfather
Richard Cordray Government 3-May-1959 Acting Director,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
David Corn Columnist Feb-1959 Washington editor of The Nation
Erastus Corning II Politician 7-Oct-1909 28-May-1983 Mayor of Albany, New York, 1942-83
Robert A. Corrigan Educator 21-Apr-1935 President, San Francisco State University
Jon Corzine Politician 1-Jan-1947 Governor of New Jersey,
Frederick G. Cottrell Inventor 10-Jan-1877 16-Nov-1948 Smokestack filters to
fight pollution
James G. Coulter Business c. 1959 Billionaire, Texas
Pacific Group
Gregory B. Craig Attorney 4-Mar-1945 White House Counsel, 2009
Arthur G. Crane Educator 1-Sep-1877 11-Aug-1955 President, University of
Wyoming, 1922-41
Michael Crichton Novelist 23-Oct-1942 4-Nov-2008 Jurassic Park
Chester A. Crocker Government 29-Oct-1941 Asst. Secy. State,
African Affairs, 1981-89
L. Gordon Crovitz Publisher c. 1959 Publisher, Wall Street
Journal, 2006-07
Countee Cullen Poet 30-May-1903 9-Jan-1946 Harlem Renaissance poet
Elijah Cummings Politician 18-Jan-1951 Congressman, Maryland 7th
Robert F. Curl, Jr. Chemist 23-Aug-1933 Co-Discovered fullerines
Dinesh D'Souza Author 25-Apr-1961 Conservative author
Drew Daniel Electronic Musician 1971 Half of Matmos
Joseph E. Davies Diplomat 29-Nov-1876 9-May-1958 US Ambassador to the USSR, 1937-38
Clive Davis Business 4-Apr-1932 Founder of Arista Records
John W. Davis Attorney 13-Apr-1873 24-Mar-1955 US Solicitor General,
Nathaniel Davis Diplomat 12-Apr-1925 16-May-2011 US Ambassador to Chile, 1971-73
Westmoreland Davis Politician 21-Aug-1859 7-Sep-1942 Governor of Virginia,
Charles G. Dawes Politician 27-Aug-1865 23-Apr-1951 US Vice President,
Diana DeGette Politician 29-Jul-1957 Congresswoman, Colorado 1st
Robert E. Denham Attorney 27-Aug-1945 Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson
Susan S. Denison Business c. 1946 Partner, Cook Associates
Nancy-Ann DeParle Business 17-Dec-1956 Health care administrator
Butler Derrick Politician 30-Sep-1936 Congressman from South
Carolina, 1975-95
Nelson Dingley, Jr. Politician 15-Feb-1832 13-Jan-1899 Congressman from Maine, 1881-99
E. J. Dionne Journalist 23-Apr-1952 The Washington Post
Harold W. Dodds Educator 28-Jun-1889 25-Oct-1980 President, Princeton
University, 1932-57
Elizabeth Dole Politician 29-Jul-1936 US Senator from North Carolina, 2003-09
John Donahoe Business c. 1960 CEO of eBay
Thomas E. Donilon Government c. 1955 US National Security
Forrest C. Donnell Politician 20-Aug-1884 3-Mar-1980 Governor and Senator
from Missouri
Chuck Douglas Politician 2-Dec-1942 Congressman from New Hampshire, 1989-91
Rita Dove Poet 28-Aug-1952 7th US Poet Laureate, 1993-95
Hugh Downs Journalist 14-Feb-1921 20/20
Elizabeth Drew Journalist 16-Nov-1935 The New Yorker
Patrick H. Drewry Politician 24-May-1875 21-Dec-1947 Congressman from
Virginia, 1920-47
Lee S. Dreyfus Politician 20-Jun-1926 2-Jan-2008 Governor of Wisconsin, 1979-83
James J. Duderstadt Educator 5-Dec-1942 President, University of Michigan, 1988-96
John Porter East Politician 5-May-1931 29-Jun-1986 US Senator, committed suicide
Frank H. Easterbrook Judge 3-Sep-1948 7th Circuit Court of
Donald Easum Diplomat 27-Aug-1923 US Ambassador to
Nigeria, 1975-77
Gerald M. Edelman Scientist 1-Jul-1929 Chemical structure of
Allison H. Eid Judge 1965 Justice, Colorado
Supreme Court
Stuart Eizenstat Diplomat 15-Jan-1943 US Ambassador to the EU, 1993-96
Michael B. Elefante Attorney 15-Feb-1944 Partner, Hemenway
& Barnes
Douglas W. Elmendorf Government c. 1961 Director, Congressional Budget Office
Mark Emmert Educator 16-Dec-1952 President, University of Washington
Thomas O. Enders Diplomat 28-Nov-1932 17-Mar-1996 US Ambassador to Canada, Spain
Doug Engelbart Computer Programmer 30-Jan-1925 Pioneer of human-computer interaction
Robert F. Engle III Economist 10-Nov-1942 Autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity
Klaus Eppler Attorney 8-May-1930 Retired Partner,
Proskauer Rose
Jeffery E. Epstein Business c. 1958 CFO of Oracle, 2008-11
Richard A. Epstein Scholar 17-Apr-1943 Takings
James D. Ericson Business c. 1936 CEO of Northwestern
Mutual, 1993-2001
Susan Estrich Pundit 16-Dec-1952 Fox News liberal
Charles L. Evans Economist 15-Jan-1958 President and CEO,
Chicago Fed
M. Stanton Evans Activist 20-Jul-1934 Conservative activist
Thomas E. Everhart Physicist 15-Feb-1932 President of CalTech,
Richard D. Fairbank Business c. 1950 CEO of Capital One
Todd S. Farha Business 1968 President and CEO of
WellCare Health Plans
John D. Feerick Attorney 12-Jul-1936 Dean of Fordham Law, 1982-2002
Glenn W. Ferguson Educator 28-Jan-1929 20-Dec-2007 University president,
Ambassador to Kenya
Howard Fineman Journalist c. 1948 Huffington Post
political analyst
Franklin M. Fisher Economist 13-Dec-1934 Economist at MIT
Patrick J. Fitzgerald Government 22-Dec-1960 Special Counsel for
Plame case
Chuck Fleischmann Politician 11-Oct-1962 Congressman, Tennessee 3rd
Gregory J. Fleming
Co-President of Merrill Lynch
Betty B. Fletcher Judge 29-Mar-1923 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1979-98
David I. Foley Business c. 1967 Blackstone Group
Hiram Fong Politician 15-Oct-1906 18-Aug-2004 US Senator from Hawaii, 1959-77
William C. Foote Business c. 1951 CEO of USG
Kristin J. Forbes Economist 21-Aug-1970 Council of Economic
Advisers, 2003-05
Randy Forbes Politician 17-Feb-1952 Congressman, Virginia 4th
Randall M. Fort Government 4-Jul-1956 Asst. Secy. State for
Abe Fortas Judge 19-Jun-1910 5-Apr-1982 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1965-69
Dan Fortmann Football 11-Apr-1916 23-May-1995 NFL Hall of Fame Guard
Bill Foster Politician 7-Oct-1955 Congressman from
Illinois, 2008-11
Donald Fowler Government 12-Sep-1935 DNC chairman, 1995-97
Marye Anne Fox Educator 9-Dec-1947 Chancellor, UC San Diego
Peter T. Francis Business c. 1953 J. M. Huber Corporation
Jeffrey A. Frankel Economist 5-Nov-1952 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1997-99
Felix Frankfurter Judge 15-Nov-1882 22-Feb-1965 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1939-62
John Hope Franklin Historian 2-Jan-1915 25-Mar-2009 From Slavery to Freedom
Louis Freeh Government 6-Jan-1950 FBI Director, 1993-2001
Betty Friedan Activist 4-Feb-1921 4-Feb-2006 Rights for women
Ellen V. Futter Educator 21-Sep-1949 President of Barnard
College, 1980-93
Frank Gannett Business 15-Sep-1876 3-Dec-1957 Founder, Gannett
publishing empire
Merrick B. Garland Judge 13-Nov-1952 US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit
Thomas S. Gates Government 10-Apr-1906 25-Mar-1983 US Secretary of Defense, 1959-61
Claire L. Gaudiani Educator 1944 President, Connecticut College, 1988-2001
Murray Gell-Mann Physicist 15-Sep-1929 Quarks and strangeness
Walter F. George Politician 29-Jan-1878 4-Aug-1957 US Senator from Georgia,
Jack Germond Columnist 30-Jan-1928 Fat Man in a Middle Seat
Michael Gershon Scientist c. 1936 Gut neurobiology
Julia S. Gibbons Judge 23-Dec-1950 6th Circuit Court of
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Judge 15-Mar-1933 US Supreme Court Justice
Nikki Giovanni Poet 7-Jun-1943 Black Feeling, Black Talk
Todd Gitlin Educator 6-Jan-1943 Journalism professor,
social critic
Sheldon Glashow Physicist 5-Dec-1932 Electroweak Theory
Mike Godwin Attorney 26-Oct-1956 Former General Counsel, Wikimedia
Pamela H. Godwin Business c.
Former executive, GMAC Insurance
Donald J. Gogel Business c. 1949 CEO of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice
Robert F. Goheen Educator 15-Aug-1919 31-Mar-2008 President of Princeton University, 1957-72
Harvey J. Goldschmid Government 6-May-1940 SEC Commissioner, 2002-05
Joseph L. Goldstein Scientist 18-Apr-1940 Hypercholesterolemia and cell metabolism
Linda A. Goldstein Business 25-Jun-1954 Electronic Retailing
Mary L. Good Educator 20-Jun-1931 Donaghey Professor, U. Arkansas
Virgil Goode Politician 17-Oct-1946 Congressman from
Virginia, 1997-2009
Nelson Goodman Philosopher 7-Aug-1906 25-Nov-1998 Fact, Fiction, and
Doris Kearns Goodwin Historian 4-Jan-1943 Team of Rivals
Slade Gorton Politician 8-Jan-1928 US Senator from
Washington, 1981-2001
Bob Graham Politician 9-Nov-1936 US Senator from Florida, 1987-2005
Jennifer Granholm Politician 5-Feb-1959 Governor of Michigan, 2003-11
Ella T. Grasso Politician 10-May-1919 5-Feb-1981 First woman elected
governor of Connecticut
Theodore F. Green Politician 2-Oct-1867 19-May-1966 Governor and Senator
from Rhode Island
Vartan Gregorian Educator 8-Apr-1934 President of Carnegie
David Groh Actor 21-May-1939 12-Feb-2008 Joe Gerard on Rhoda
Sanford J. Grossman Business 21-Jul-1953 CEO of Quantitative
Financial Strategies
Ernest Gruening Politician 6-Feb-1887 26-Jun-1974 US Senator from Alaska,
Ursula K. Le Guin Novelist 21-Oct-1929 The Left Hand of Darkness
John Gunther Journalist 30-Aug-1901 29-May-1970 Inside Europe
Lloyd V. Hackley Educator c. 1940 Chancellor of
Fayetteville State University
Pat Haden Football 23-Jan-1953 LA Rams Quarterback, nvestor
Stephen Hadley Government 13-Feb-1947 National Security
Advisor, 2005-09
Joseph A. Hafner, Jr. Business c.
CEO of Riviana Foods, 1984-2005
David Hall Politician 20-Oct-1930 Governor of Oklahoma, 1971-75
Jane Hall Journalist ? Fox News Watch
Peter W. Hall Judge 9-Nov-1948 2nd Circuit Court of
John S. Hamlin Business c. 1965 Former Dell VP
Learned Hand Judge 27-Jan-1872 18-Aug-1961 Influential American
Raymond A. Hare Diplomat 3-Apr-1901 9-Feb-1994 US Mideast Ambassador
Diane C. Harris Business c. 1942 Hypotenuse Enterprises, Inc.
Melissa Harris-Perry Author c. 1972 Barbershops, Bibles, and BET
Ann Weaver Hart Educator 1948 President, Temple
Harris L. Hartz Judge 20-Jan-1947 10th Circuit Court of
Herbert A. Hauptman Mathematician 14-Feb-1917 23-Oct-2011 X-ray diffraction studies
Jerry A. Hausman Economist 5-May-1946 Hausman Specification Test
Janet Gray Hayes Politician 12-Jul-1926 Mayor of San Jose,
Rutherford B. Hayes
Head of State
4-Oct-1822 17-Jan-1893 19th US President,
William J. Haynes II Government 30-Mar-1958 DOD General Counsel,
Alexander Heard Educator 14-Mar-1917 24-Jul-2009 Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, 1963-82
James J. Heckman Economist 19-Apr-1944 Statistical analysis of
individual and household behavior
Ray L. Heffner Educator 7-May-1925 President of Brown
University, 1966-69
Christie Hefner
8-Nov-1952 CEO of Playboy, 1988-2009
Walter W. Heller Economist 27-Aug-1915 15-Jun-1987 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1961-64
Richard Helms Government 30-Mar-1913 22-Oct-2002 CIA Director, 1966-73
John E. Herbst Diplomat 12-Aug-1952 US Ambassador to
Ukraine, 2003-06
Christian Herter, Jr. Government 29-Jan-1919 16-Sep-2007 First Chairman, New York Urban Coalition
Andrew Heyward Journalist 1950 President of CBS News, 1996-2005
Lister Hill
29-Dec-1894 21-Dec-1984 US Senator from Alabama, 1938-69
Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Mother of on-line
John Hinderaker Blogger Sep-1950 Power Line blog
Mazie Hirono Politician 3-Nov-1947 Congresswoman, Hawaii 2nd
Alger Hiss Government 11-Nov-1904 15-Nov-1996 Accused spy for the
Soviet Union
George H. Hitchings Scientist 18-Apr-1905 27-Feb-1998 Developed medicines for leukemia, herpes, arthritis
Frederick P. Hitz Government 14-Oct-1939 CIA Inspector General, 1990-98
Jim Hoagland Journalist 22-Jan-1940 The Washington Post
Richard H. Hochman Business c. 1946 Regent Capital Management
David C. Hodge Educator 27-Sep-1948 President, Miami
University of Ohio
Robert Hofstadter Physicist 5-Feb-1915 17-Nov-1990 Size, shape, and
structure of neutrons and protons
Spessard Holland Politician 10-Jul-1892 6-Nov-1971 Governor and Senator
from Florida
William J. Holloway, Jr. Judge 23-Jun-1923 10th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1968-92
Oliver Wendell Holmes Author 29-Aug-1809 7-Oct-1894 The Autocrat of the
Breakfast Table
Grace Murray Hopper Computer Programmer 9-Dec-1906 1-Jan-1992 Computer programming pioneer
Avery Hopwood Playwright 28-May-1882 1-Jul-1928 The Bat
Tony Horwitz Journalist 1959 Confederates in the Attic
John Howard Actor 14-Apr-1913 19-Feb-1995 Bulldog Drummond
Thomas C. Hubbard Diplomat 1943 US Ambassador to South Korea, 2001-04
Franklin P. Huddle Diplomat 9-May-1943 US Ambassador to
Tajikistan, 2001-03
Mark W. Huddleston Educator c. 1950 President, University of New Hampshire
William H. Hudnut III Politician 17-Oct-1932 Mayor of Indianapolis,
Charles Evans Hughes, Jr. Government 30-Nov-1889 21-Jan-1950 US Solicitor General,
Robert E. Hunter Diplomat c.
US Ambassador to NATO, 1993-98
Andrew D. Hurwitz Judge c. 1946 Justice, Arizona Supreme Court
Bob Inglis Politician 11-Oct-1959 Congressman from South Carolina, 1993-98, 2005-11
Reed Irvine Activist 29-Sep-1922 16-Nov-2004 Founder, Accuracy in
Douglas A. Irwin Economist c. 1962 Free Trade Under Fire
Irving M. Ives Politician 24-Jan-1896 24-Feb-1962 US Senator from New York, 1947-59
Gary N. Jacobs Business 12-Jul-1945 General Counsel for MGM Mirage
Jack B. Jacobs Judge c. 1942 Justice, Delaware
Supreme Court
Paul E. Jacobs Business c. 1963 CEO of Qualcomm
Karl Jansky Astronomer 22-Oct-1905 14-Feb-1950 Radio waves from outer
Richard Jenrette Business 5-Apr-1929 Donaldson, Lufkin
& Jenrette
Dawn E. Johnsen Attorney 14-Aug-1961 Indiana University law professor
Darryl N. Johnson Diplomat ? US Ambassador to
Thailand, 2002-04
Tim Johnson Politician 28-Dec-1946 US Senator from South Dakota
Tim Johnson Politician 23-Jul-1946 Congressman, Illinois
Jim Jontz Politician 18-Dec-1951 14-Apr-2007 Congressman from
Indiana, 1987-93
Paul L. Joskow Economist c. 1946 Alfred P. Sloan
Percy Julian Chemist 11-Apr-1899 19-Apr-1975 Physostigmine and
Ernest Just Biologist 14-Aug-1883 27-Oct-1941 Cell surfaces and egg
Matthew H. Kamens Attorney 6-Dec-1951 Of Counsel, Wolf Block
Arnold Kanter Government 27-Feb-1945 10-Apr-2010 Under Secy. of State for Political Affairs, 1991-93
Stanley H. Kaplan Business 24-May-1919 23-Aug-2009 Developed SAT study aids
Robert A. Katzmann Judge 22-Apr-1953 2nd Circuit Court of
Cresson H. Kearny Inventor 7-Jan-1914 18-Dec-2003 Patriot, inventor,
survivalist idol
Kenneth B. Keating Politician 18-May-1900 5-May-1975 US Senator from New
York, 1959-65
Barnaby C. Keeney Educator 17-Oct-1914 18-Jun-1980 President of Brown
University, 1955-66
Thomas F. Keller Educator 22-Sep-1931 Dean of Fuqua School of Business, 1974-96
Joyce L. Kennard Judge 6-May-1941 Justice, California
Supreme Court
William E. Kennard Government 19-Jan-1957 FCC Chairman, 1997-2001
Anthony Kennedy Judge 23-Jul-1936 US Supreme Court Justice
James Kent Judge 31-Jul-1763 12-Dec-1847 Commentaries on American Law
Nan Keohane Scholar 18-Sep-1940 Political scientist
William T. Kerr Business 17-Apr-1941 CEO of Meredith
Corporation, 1997-2006
James W. Keyes Business 1955 CEO of Blockbuster
Robert C. Khayat Educator 18-Apr-1938 Chancellor, University of Mississippi
Jason Kilar Business c. 1971 CEO of Hulu
Bernard Kilgore Publisher 9-Nov-1908 14-Nov-1967 President of Dow Jones, 1945-66
Christoph M. Kimmich Educator 16-Jan-1939 President, Brooklyn
Carolyn D. King Judge 30-Jan-1938 5th Circuit Court of
Nile Kinnick Football 9-Jul-1918 2-Jun-1943 Winner, 1939 Heisman Trophy
Alfred Kinsey Scientist 23-Jun-1894 25-Aug-1956 Researched human sexual behavior
Henry Kissinger Government 27-May-1923 US Secretary of State, 1973-77
Andrew J. Kleinfeld Judge 12-Jun-1945 9th Circuit Court of
Scott M. Kleinman Business c. 1975 Apollo Management
Michael Klosson Diplomat 22-Aug-1949 US Ambassador to Cyprus, 2002-05
Lyman Knapp Politician 5-Nov-1837 9-Oct-1904 Territorial Governor of Alaska, 1889-93
Foy D. Kohler Diplomat 15-Feb-1908 23-Dec-1990 US Ambassador to USSR, 1962-66
Arthur Kopit Playwright 10-May-1937 Mama's Hung You in the Closet
Kay Koplovitz Business c. 1945 Co-Founder, USA Network
John A. Koskinen Business 30-Jun-1939 President, US Soccer
Suzanne Kosmas Politician 25-Feb-1944 Congresswoman from Florida, 2009-11
Richard Kostelanetz Artist 14-May-1940 Prodigious avant-garde artist and author
Stephen Krasner Educator 15-Feb-1942 State Dept Policy
Planning Dir., 2005-07
Juanita M. Kreps Government 11-Jan-1921 5-Jul-2010 US Secretary of
Commerce, 1977-79
Robert H. Krieble Philanthropist 1916 8-May-1997 Loctite Corporation
Marvin Krislov Educator c.
President, Oberlin
Nicholas D. Kristof Journalist 27-Apr-1959 New York Times Op-Ed columnist
Kris Kristofferson Actor 22-Jun-1936 Me and Bobby McGee
Lynn Krominga Business 15-May-1950 Former executive, Revlon
Susan D. Kronick Business c.
Macy's executive
Barbara J. Krumsiek Business c.
CEO of Calvert Group, Ltd.
Stanley Kunitz Poet 29-Jul-1905 14-May-2006 US Poet Laureate, 2000
Philip Lader Government 1946 US Ambassador to the UK, 1997-2001
Charles R. LaMantia Business c. 1940 CEO of Arthur D. Little, 1988-99
Corliss Lamont Activist 28-Mar-1902 26-Apr-1995 Millionaire socialist
Eddie Lampert Business 19-Jul-1962 Billionaire, Chairman of Sears
Leonard Lance Politician 25-Jun-1952 Congressman, New Jersey 7th
Edward J. Landau Attorney c. 1929 Lowenthal, Landau,
Fischer & Bring
Fritz G. Lanham Politician 3-Jan-1880 31-Jul-1965 Congressman from Texas, 1919-47
Tom Lantos Politician 1-Feb-1928 11-Feb-2008 Congressman from
California, 1981-2008
Charles W. Larson, Jr. Politician 1-Apr-1968 US Ambassador to Latvia
Richmond Lattimore Poet 6-May-1906 26-Feb-1984 Translator of Iliad and Odyssey
Steven J. Law Government c. 1961 American Crossroads
Ken Lay Business 15-Apr-1942 5-Jul-2006 CEO of Enron, 1986-2002
Carol A. Leary Educator c. 1947 President of Bay Path
David Leavitt Novelist 23-Jun-1961 The Lost Language of Cranes
Lester A. Lefton Educator c. 1947 President, Kent State
Tom Lehrer Comic 9-Apr-1928 Comedic songwriter
Fritz Leiber Author 24-Dec-1910 5-Sep-1992 Ship of Shadows
Kenneth R. Leibler Business c. 1949 Liberty Financial
George LeMieux Politician 21-May-1969 US Senator from Florida, 2009-11
Leslie Lenkowsky Government 30-Mar-1946 Philanthropic Studies
Carl Leubsdorf Journalist 17-Mar-1938 Dallas Morning News
Flynt Leverett Government 6-Mar-1958 Former National Security Council staffer
Edward H. Levi Government 26-Jun-1911 7-Mar-2000 US Attorney General,
Daniel B. Levin Government 4-Mar-1956 Justice Department
Jerry Levin Business 6-May-1939 CEO of Time Warner, 2000-02
Mark Levin Activist 21-Sep-1957 Landmark Legal Foundation
Arthur Levitt Business 3-Feb-1931 SEC Chairman, 1993-2001
Marv Levy Football 3-Aug-1925 NFL, CFL, and NCAA coach
John P. Lewis Economist 18-Mar-1921 19-May-2010 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1963-64
Frank Licht Politician 13-Mar-1916 30-May-1987 Governor of Rhode
Island, 1969-73
Joseph Lieberman Politician 24-Feb-1942 US Senator from
Rose M. Likins Diplomat 1959 US Ambassador to Peru
William S. Lind Activist 9-Jul-1947 Free Congress Foundation
Larry Lindsey Economist 18-Jul-1954 Masterminded GWB's tax cut
Sol Linowitz Business 17-Dec-1913 18-Mar-2005 Negotiated return of the Panama Canal
Ralph Linton Anthropologist 27-Feb-1893 25-Dec-1953 The Study of Man
Joanne Lipman Editor 18-Jun-1961 Editor of
Condé Nast Portfolio, 2007-09
Ken Lipper Business 19-Jun-1941 Investment banker author of Wall Street
Walter Lippmann Journalist 23-Sep-1889 14-Dec-1974 Today and Tomorrow
Marc S. Lipschultz Business c.
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
William Lipscomb Chemist 9-Dec-1919 14-Apr-2011 Chemical bonding
Debra A. Livingston Judge 15-Apr-1959 2nd Circuit Court of
Philip R. Lochner, Jr. Business c. 1942 Senior VP at Time
Warner, 1991-98
Alain Locke Author 13-Sep-1886 9-Jun-1954 Leader in the Harlem
James K. Logan Judge 21-Aug-1929 10th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1977-94
James B. Loken Judge 21-May-1940 8th Circuit Court of
Stacy London TV Personality 25-May-1969 What Not to Wear
Clarence D. Long Politician 11-Dec-1908 18-Sep-1994 Congressman from
Maryland, 1963-85
Henry Wadsworth
Poet 27-Feb-1807 24-Mar-1882 Evangeline
Steven R. Loranger Business c. 1952 CEO of ITT
Jim Louderback Columnist c. 1961 Former PC Magazine
Ben F. Love Business 1924 13-Jan-2006 CEO of Texas Commerce Bank
Gary W. Loveman Business c. 1960 CEO of Harrah's
A. Lawrence Lowell Educator 1-Jan-1856 6-Jan-1943 President, Harvard
University, 1909-33
Jerry Lucas Basketball 30-Mar-1940 NBA Hall of Famer
Robert Lucas Economist 15-Sep-1937 Theory of rational
Allen Ludden Game Show Host 5-Oct-1917 9-Jun-1981 Host of Password
Dick Lugar Politician 4-Apr-1932 US Senator from Indiana
Robert Luskin Attorney 21-Jan-1950 Karl Rove's lawyer
Katharine C. Lyall Business 26-Apr-1941 President of the UW
System, 1992-2004
Richard W. Lyman Educator 18-Oct-1923 27-May-2012 President of Stanford
University, 1971-80
John Carroll Lynch Actor 1-Aug-1963 The Drew Carey Show
Paul W. MacAvoy Economist 21-Apr-1934 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1975-76
John Mack Psychiatrist 4-Oct-1929 27-Sep-2004 A Prince of Our Disorder
Archibald Macleish Poet 7-May-1892 20-Apr-1982 Conquistador
Burton Malkiel Economist 28-Aug-1932 A Random Walk Down Wall
Richard W. Mallary Politician 21-Feb-1929 27-Sep-2011 Congressman from
Vermont, 1972-75
John C. Malone Business 7-Mar-1941 Cable TV billionaire,
Liberty Media
Albert Maltz Playwright 28-Oct-1908 26-Apr-1985 One of the Hollywood Ten
Daniel Marcus Attorney 5-Jan-1941 Wilmer Cutler &
John Marshall Judge 24-Sep-1755 6-Jul-1835 US Chief Justice, 1801-35
Paule Marshall Novelist 9-Apr-1929 Brown Girl, Brownstones
Edwin M. Martin Government 21-May-1908 12-Jan-2002 US Ambassador to
Argentina, 1964-68
Lynn Martin Politician 26-Dec-1939 US Secretary of Labor, 1991-93
F. David Mathews Government 6-Dec-1935 HEW Secretary under Ford
Steve A. Matthews Attorney c.1956 Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd
Mark McClellan Government 26-Jun-1963 Medicare Chief
James L. McConaughy Politician 21-Oct-1887 7-Mar-1948 Governor of Connecticut, 1947-48
Steve McConnell Computer Programmer c. 1963 Author of Code Complete
Richard L. McCormick Educator 26-Dec-1947 President, Rutgers
Wade H. McCree Judge 3-Jul-1920 30-Aug-1987 US Solicitor General,
Cynthia McFadden Journalist 27-May-1956 Primetime Live
Michael McFaul Diplomat 1963 US Ambassador to Russia
Edward McGaffigan Government 8-Dec-1948 2-Sep-2007 NRC Commissioner,
George C. McGhee Diplomat 1912 4-Jul-2005 US Ambassador to
Germany, 1963-68
Ruth V. McGregor Judge 1943 Arizona Chief Justice
Mike McIntyre Politician 6-Aug-1956 Congressman, North
Carolina 7th
Matthew M. McKenna Business c.
Senior VP at Pepsi
Victor A. McKusick Scientist 21-Oct-1921 22-Jul-2008 Father of medical
John J. McMackin, Jr. Business 10-Jan-1952 Partner, Williams
& Jensen
Doyle McManus Journalist c. 1952 LA Times Washington bureau chief
Colin R. McMillan Politician 27-Jul-1935 24-Jul-2003 US Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1990-92
Terrence McNally Playwright 3-Nov-1939 Frankie and Johnny
Robert McNamara Government 9-Jun-1916 6-Jul-2009 US Secretary of Defense, 1961-68
Robert H. McWilliams Judge 27-Apr-1916 10th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1970-84
Jon Meacham Journalist 20-May-1969 Managing Editor of Newsweek, 1998-2010
Ved Mehta Author 21-Mar-1934 Face to Face
John Mendelsohn Biologist 31-Aug-1936 Cancer researcher
James Merrill Poet 3-Mar-1926 6-Feb-1995 Nights and Days
Charles Merz Journalist 23-Feb-1893 31-Aug-1977 Editor of the New York Times, 1938-61
Richard A. Meserve Attorney 20-Nov-1944 President of the
Carnegie Institution
Eugene H. Methvin Journalist 19-Sep-1934 Readers Digest
M. Blane Michael Judge 17-Feb-1943 25-Mar-2011 4th Circuit Court of
Diane Middlebrook Author 16-Apr-1939 15-Dec-2007 Biographer of Anne Sexton
Stanley Milgram Psychologist 15-Aug-1933 20-Dec-1984 Milgram Experiment
Michael Milken Business 4-Jul-1946 Convicted financial
Charles E. F. Millard Government c. 1957 Director, Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation 2007-09
Franklin C. Miller Government Oct-1950 National Security
Council, 2001-05
J. Irwin Miller Business 26-May-1909 16-Aug-2004 Former CEO of Cummins Engine
Stanley Miller Chemist 7-Mar-1930 20-May-2007 Miller-Urey Experiment
Kate Millett Activist 14-Sep-1934 Sexual Politics
James B. Milliken Educator c. 1957 President, University of Nebraska
Eric Mindich Business 1967 Eton Park Capital
David Minge Politician 19-Mar-1942 Congressman from
Minnesota, 1993-2001
Chad Mirkin Chemist 23-Nov-1963 International Institute
for Nanotechnology
William E. Mitchell Business 13-Mar-1944 CEO of Arrow Electronics
Eben Moglen Attorney c. 1959 Shareware law
James C. Momtazee Business c. 1972 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
Charlotte E. Moore Astronomer 24-Sep-1898 3-Mar-1990 Technetium in the Sun
Karen Nelson Moore Judge 19-Nov-1948 6th Circuit Court of
Pattye L. Moore Business c. 1957 President of Sonic
Drive-In, 2002-04
Sandra O. Moose Business c. 1941 Ex-VP, Boston Consulting Group
Natalie Morales Journalist 6-Jun-1972 Today
George Morfogen Actor 30-Mar-1933 Rebadow on Oz
Robert Moses Government 18-Dec-1888 29-Jul-1981 New York City planner
John R. Mott Activist 25-May-1865 31-Jan-1955 Peace activist, Nobel
Prize recipient
Ferid Murad Scientist 14-Sep-1936 Nitric oxide as a
cardiovascular signal
Glenn Murdock Judge 25-Jun-1956 Justice, Alabama Supreme
Diana E. Murphy Judge 4-Jan-1934 8th Circuit Court of
Dick Murphy Politician 16-Dec-1942 Mayor of San Diego,
Edward R. Murrow Journalist 25-Apr-1908 27-Apr-1965 The epitome of broadcast journalism
Ed Muskie Politician 28-Mar-1914 26-Mar-1996 US Senator from Maine, 1959-80
Ralph Nader Activist 27-Feb-1934 Unsafe at Any Speed
Victor Navasky Publisher 5-Jul-1932 Publisher of The Nation
Annette L. Nazareth Government c.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Matthew M. Neely Politician 9-Nov-1874 18-Jan-1958 Governor and Senator
from West Virginia
Joseph P. Newhouse Economist 24-Feb-1942 Rand economist, Harvard professor
James R. Nichols Attorney c. 1938 Partner, Nichols
& Pratt
Jan Nicholson Business c. 1945 Former Citicorp/MBIA executive
John T. Noonan, Jr. Judge 24-Oct-1926 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1985-96
Gale A. Norton Government 11-Mar-1954 US Secretary of the
Deborah Norville Journalist 8-Aug-1958 Inside Edition
Kenneth J. Novack Business 1941 Former Partner, Mintz Levin
Robert Noyce Inventor 12-Dec-1927 3-Jun-1990 Co-Inventor, integrated circuit
Bernard W. Nussbaum Attorney 23-Mar-1937 White House Counsel for Bill Clinton
Joseph S. Nye Government 19-Jan-1937 Chairman, National
Intelligence Council, 1993-94
Jane Margaret O'Brien Educator c.
President, St. Mary's
College of Maryland
C. William O'Neill Politician 14-Feb-1916 20-Aug-1978 Governor of Ohio, 1957-59
Phyllis E. Oakley Government 1934 Assistant Secy. of State for Intelligence, 1997-99
Ellen Ochoa Astronaut 10-May-1958 First hispanic female
Philip A. Odeen Business c.
International, 1992-97
David W. Ogden Attorney 12-Nov-1953 Deputy US Attorney
Charles Ogletree Attorney 31-Dec-1952 Law professor
Herbert S. Okun Diplomat 27-Nov-1930 8-Nov-2011 US Ambassador to the UN,
Warren Olney Radio Personality ? LA radio host, To the
Merlin Olsen Football 15-Sep-1940 11-Mar-2010 Rams defensive tackle, FTD shill
Charles Olson Poet 27-Dec-1910 10-Jan-1970 The Maximus Poems
Gilbert S. Omenn Business 30-Aug-1941 Professor, University of Michigan
Norman Ornstein Author 14-Oct-1948 American Enterprise
Peter R. Orszag Government 16-Dec-1968 Beltway economist
Clarence Otis Business c. 1955 CEO of Darden Restaurants
Robert Latham Owen Politician 2-Feb-1856 19-Jul-1947 Senator from Oklahoma,
Nell Irvin Painter Historian 2-Aug-1942 Creating Black Americans
Richard N. Palmer Judge 27-May-1950 Justice, Connecticut
Supreme Court
Mitchell Parish Songwriter 10-Jul-1900 31-Mar-1993 Volare
Robert E. Park Sociologist 14-Feb-1864 7-Feb-1944 Race and Culture
Mark R. Parris Diplomat 1950 US Ambassador to Turkey,
Robert T. Parry Business 16-May-1939 President, San Francisco Fed, 1986-2004
Rachel Paulose Attorney 12-Mar-1973 US Attorney for Minnesota
Henry M. Paulson Business 28-Mar-1946 US Secretary of the
Treasury, 2006-09
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Astronomer 10-May-1900 7-Dec-1979 Hydrogen in the Sun
Daniel Pearl Journalist 10-Oct-1963 21-Feb-2002 Murdered Wall Street
Journal reporter
Drew Pearson Journalist 13-Dec-1897 1-Sep-1969 Washington Merry-Go-Round
Claude Pepper Politician 8-Sep-1900 30-May-1989 Congressman from
Florida, 1963-89
Debra J. Perry Business Moody's 17-Apr-1951 Moody's
Susan M. Phillips Educator 23-Jan-1944 Dean, GWU School of Business
Tim Phillips Activist c.
President, Americans for Prosperity
Thomas Pickering Diplomat 5-Nov-1931 Career US Ambassador
Samuel R. Pierce Politician 8-Sep-1922 31-Oct-2000 US Secretary of HUD, 1981-89
Marge Piercy Novelist 31-Mar-1936 Gone to Soldiers
Alfred A. Piergallini Business c.
CEO of Gerber, 1990-99
Dan Pink Author c.
A Whole New Mind
Jeanine Pirro Government 2-Jun-1951 Westchester County DA
Mary Kay Place Actor 23-Sep-1947 Mary Hartman, Mary
Gilbert Plass Physicist 22-Mar-1922 1-Mar-2004 Climate change scientist
Mary Lake Polan Doctor c.
OG Professor at Stanford
John G. Pollard Politician 4-Aug-1871 28-Apr-1937 Governor of Virginia,
Bill Poole Economist 19-Jun-1937 President, Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Michael Porter Scholar 1947 Competitive Strategy
Sylvia Porter Columnist 18-Jun-1913 5-Jun-1991 Financial columnist
Gerald Posner Journalist 20-May-1954 Case Closed
Richard Posner Judge 11-Jan-1939 7th Circuit Court of
Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Judge 19-Sep-1907 25-Aug-1998 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1972-87
Robert Pozen Business 1946 Fidelity Investments
Larry Pressler Politician 29-Mar-1942 US Senator from South Dakota, 1979-97
Carol Queen Author c. 1957 Prolific sexologist
Jane Bryant Quinn Journalist 5-Feb-1939 Personal finance
Pat Quinn Politician 16-Dec-1948 Governor of Illinois
Jennifer J. Raab Educator c. 1956 President, Hunter College
Randall R. Rader Judge 21-Apr-1949 US Court of Appeals,
Federal Circuit
Reena Raggi Judge 11-May-1951 2nd Circuit Court of
Norman F. Ramsey Physicist 27-Aug-1915 4-Nov-2011 Energy levels of atoms
Jim Ramstad Politician 6-May-1946 Congressman from
Minnesota, 1991-2009
Don Michael Randel Educator 9-Dec-1940 President, University of Chicago, 2000-06
John Crowe Ransom Poet 30-Apr-1888 4-Jul-1974 God Without Thunder
Diane Ravitch Government 1-Jul-1938 Education reformer
Susan P. Read Judge 1947 Judge, NY Court of
William Rehnquist Judge 1-Oct-1924 3-Sep-2005 US Chief Justice,
Frederick Reines Physicist 16-Mar-1918 26-Aug-1998 Co-Discover of the
Marjorie O. Rendell Judge 20-Dec-1947 3rd Circuit Court of
Charles B. Renfrew Attorney 31-Oct-1928 Deputy US Attorney
General, 1980-81
Condoleezza Rice Government 14-Nov-1954 US Secretary of State, 2005-09
Donna Rice Activist 7-Jan-1958 Anti-porn crusader,
slept with Gary Hart
Grantland Rice Journalist 1-Nov-1880 13-Jul-1954 Sportswriter, Idolmaker
Susan E. Rice Diplomat 17-Nov-1964 US Ambassador to the UN
Adrienne Rich Poet 16-May-1929 27-Mar-2012 An Atlas of the
Difficult World
Frank Rich Columnist 2-Jun-1949 New York magazine
William J. Riley Judge 11-Mar-1947 8th Circuit Court of
Richard O. Ristine Politician 19-Jan-1920 20-Jun-2009 Lt. Governor of Indiana, 1961-65
Elizabeth Madox Roberts Author 30-Oct-1881 13-Mar-1941 The Great Meadow
Owen J. Roberts Judge 2-May-1875 17-May-1955 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1930-45
Pat Robertson Religion 22-Mar-1930 The 700 Club
Paul Robeson Singer 9-Apr-1898 23-Jan-1976 20th Century renaissance man
Linda Gosden Robinson Business c.
Public Relations
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Business 29-Jan-1874 11-May-1960 Built Rockefeller Center
Nelson Rockefeller Politician 8-Jul-1908 26-Jan-1979 Ford's Vice President
Stephen K. Roddenberry Attorney c. 1948 Akerman Senterfitt
Eddy J. Rogers, Jr. Attorney 1940 Partner, Andrews Kurth
John M. Rogers Judge 26-Jun-1948 6th Circuit Court of
Judith W. Rogers Judge 27-Jul-1939 US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit
Don Roos Screenwriter 14-Apr-1955 The Opposite of Sex
John V. Roos Attorney 14-Feb-1955 US Ambassador to Japan
Franklin D. Roosevelt Head of State 30-Jan-1882 12-Apr-1945 US President during WWII
Theodore Roosevelt Head of State 27-Oct-1858 6-Jan-1919 26th US President,
Elihu Root Government 15-Feb-1845 7-Feb-1937 Senator, Secretary of
War, State
Daniel C. Roper Government 1-Apr-1867 11-Apr-1943 US Commerce Secretary, 1933-38
Harvey S. Rosen Economist 29-Mar-1949 Council of Economic
Advisers, 2003-05
Michael N. Rosen Attorney c. 1940 Partner, Bryan Cave
Eric S. Rosengren Economist 3-Jun-1957 President and CEO,
Boston Fed
Samuel I. Rosenman Government 13-Feb-1896 24-Jun-1973 White House Counsel, 1943-46
Claude G. Ross Diplomat 1917 18-Jan-2006 US Ambassador to Haiti, 1967-69
Eugene Victor Rostow Educator 25-Aug-1913 25-Nov-2002 Dean of Yale Law School, 1955-65
Michael S. Roth Educator c. 1956 President, Wesleyan
Philip Roth Novelist 19-Mar-1933 Portnoy's Complaint
John W. Rowe Business c. 1945 President and CEO of
J. Stapleton Roy Diplomat 16-Jun-1935 US Ambassador to China, 1991-95
Kenneth C. Royall Attorney 24-Jul-1894 27-May-1971 US Secretary of the
Army, 1947-49
David M. Rubenstein Business c. 1949 Director of the Carlyle Group
Carlos Moedas, adjunto de Passos Coelho tem ligações a este grupo
Howard J. Rubenstein Business c.
Rubenstein Associates
Robert E. Rubin Government 29-Aug-1938 US Treasury Secretary, 1995-99
Vera Rubin Astronomer 23-Jul-1928 Structure of galaxies
Kenneth Rush Business 17-Jan-1910 11-Dec-1994 US Ambassador to France,
Dean Rusk Government 9-Feb-1909 21-Dec-1994 US Secretary of State, 1961-69
Larry J. Sabato Educator 7-Aug-1952 Widely-quoted politicalscientist
Emily Saliers Musician 22-Jul-1963 The Indigo Girls
Jonas Salk Scientist 28-Oct-1914 23-Jun-1995 Discoverer of the first
polio vaccine
Gary Samore Government 31-Mar-1953 White House WMD Czar
Paul Samuelson Economist 15-May-1915 13-Dec-2009 Theory of revealed
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Politician 3-Dec-1970 Congresswoman from South Dakota, 2004-11
Adarsh K. Sarma Business c.
VP at Warburg Pincus
David Satcher Government 2-Mar-1941 US Surgeon General,
Leigh Ingalls Saufley Judge 1954 Maine Chief Justice
Hal Saunders Government 27-Dec-1930 Asst. Secy. of State for the Near East, 1978-81
AnnaLee Saxenian Scholar c. 1954 Information technologist
Mark Schauer Politician 2-Oct-1961 Congressman from
Michigan, 2009-11
Herbert I. Schiller Author 5-Nov-1919 29-Jan-2000 Mass Communications and
American Empire
Phyllis Schlafly Activist 15-Aug-1924 Opponent of women's
Arthur M. Schlesinger,
Historian 15-Oct-1917 28-Feb-2007 The Age of Roosevelt
James R. Schlesinger Government 15-Feb-1929 Served Nixon, Ford,
Ronald L. Schlicher Diplomat 16-Sep-1956 US Ambassador to Cyprus
Brian P. Schmidt Astronomer 24-Feb-1967 Accelerating universe
John Patrick Schmitz Government 1955 Washington lobbyist
Pat Schroeder Politician 30-Jul-1940 Congresswoman from Colorado, 1973-97
William F. Schulz Activist 14-Nov-1949 Director, Amnesty
International, 1994-2006
Anna J. Schwartz Economist 11-Nov-1915 A Monetary History of the United States
Richard S. Schweiker Politician 1-Jun-1926 US Senator from
Pennsylvania, 1969-81
Glenn Seaborg Physicist 19-Apr-1912 25-Feb-1999 Co-Discoverer of
John Searle Philosopher Dec-1932 Chinese Room Argument, Philosopher of Language
Talcott W. Seelye Diplomat 6-Mar-1922 8-Jun-2006 US Ambassador to Syria, 1979-81
L. William Seidman Economist 29-Apr-1921 13-May-2009 CNBC chief commentator
Oliver Seth Judge 30-May-1915 27-Mar-1996 10th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1962-84
Anne Sexton Poet 9-Nov-1928 4-Oct-1974 Live or Die
Stephanie K. Seymour Judge 16-Oct-1940 10th Circuit Court of
Appeals, 1979-2005
Bob Shamansky Politician 18-Apr-1927 11-Aug-2011 Congressman from Ohio,
Judith Shapiro Educator 24-Jan-1942 President, Barnard
Maurice M. Shapiro Physicist 13-Nov-1915 27-Feb-2008 Composition and origin of cosmic rays
William F. Sharpe Economist 16-Jun-1934 Capital asset pricing
John Shattuck Attorney 1943 CEO, JFK Library
Carol Shaw Computer Programmer ? River Raid
Kathryn L. Shaw Economist c. 1954 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1999-2001
Bradley T. Sheares Business 1957 CEO of Reliant
Stanley K. Sheinbaum Activist 12-Jun-1920 Publisher, New
Perspectives Quarterly
Robert N. Shelton Educator 1948 President, University of Arizona
Sally Shelton-Colby Diplomat 1944 US Ambassador to
Barbados, 1979-81
David Shire Composer 3-Jul-1937 It Goes Like It Goes
Gerry Sikorski Politician 26-Apr-1948 Congressman from
Minnesota, 1983-93
Adele Simmons Administrator 21-Jun-1941 President, MacArthur
Foundation, 1989-99
Harold C. Simmons Business 1931 Drugstore billionaire
Bob Simon Journalist 29-May-1941 60 Minutes
J. Stephen Simon Business c. 1943 Former Senior VP at
Herbert D. Simons Attorney 1935 Former Partner, Butler & Binion
Joseph J. Sisco Diplomat 31-Oct-1919 23-Nov-2004 Kissinger's Mideast
Ike Skelton Politician 20-Dec-1931 Congressman from
Missouri, 1977-2011
Matthew J. Slaughter Economist c. 1968 Council of Economic
Advisers, 2005-07
Lawrence M. Small Government 14-Sep-1941 Secretary, Smithsonian
Institution, 2000-07
Eleanor Smeal Activist 30-Jul-1939 Founder, Feminist
Majority Foundation
Michael Smerconish Radio Personality 15-Mar-1962 Philadelphia talk radio
George E. Smith Scientist 10-May-1930 Digital photography
Richard M. Smith Journalist 1946 Editor-in-Chief of
Theobald Smith Scientist 31-Jul-1859 10-Dec-1934 Infectious and parasitic diseases
Wilbert Snow Politician 6-Apr-1884 28-Sep-1977 Governor of Connecticut, 1946-47
Alfred Sommer Doctor 1942 SPH Dean at Johns
Hopkins, 1990-2005
Christina Hoff Sommers Author 1950 Who Stole Feminism?
Stephen Sondheim Composer 22-Mar-1930 West Side Story
Susan Sontag Author 16-Jan-1933 28-Dec-2004 Novelist, critic,
Ted Sorensen Attorney 8-May-1928 31-Oct-2010 Aide to JFK
Ralph Z. Sorenson Business c. 1934 President of Babson
College, 1974-81
Sonia Sotomayor Judge 25-Jun-1954 US Supreme Court Justice
David Souter Judge 17-Sep-1939 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1990-2009
John J. Sparkman Politician 20-Dec-1899 16-Nov-1985 US Senator from Alabama, 1946-79
Arlen Specter Politician 12-Feb-1930 US Senator from
Pennsylvania, 1981-2011
Gene Sperling Economist 24-Dec-1958 Chief Economic Advisor, 1996-2000
Joan Spero Diplomat c. 1944 Under Secretary of
State, 1993-97
John Shelby Spong Religion 16-Jun-1931 Retired bishop of
Newark, NJ
John Spratt Politician 1-Nov-1942 Congressman from South Carolina, 1983-2011
Robert G. Sproul Educator 22-May-1891 10-Sep-1975 President, University of California, 1930-58
Paul Starr Educator 12-May-1949 The Social
Transformation of American Medicine
Janet Steiger Government 10-Jun-1939 3-Apr-2004 FTC chairman, 1989-95
Herbert Stein Economist 27-Aug-1916 8-Sep-1999 Economic adviser for
Laura Stein Attorney c. 1962 General Counsel for
Gloria Steinem Activist 25-Mar-1934 Founder, Ms. Magazine
John C. Stennis Politician 3-Aug-1901 23-Apr-1995 US Senator from
Mississippi, 1947-89
George Stephanopoulos TV Personality 10-Feb-1961 Bill Clinton's
communications director
Jay B. Stephens Attorney 5-Nov-1946 General Counsel of
Fritz Stern Historian 2-Feb-1926 German historian
Richard G. Stern Novelist 25-Feb-1928 Other Men's Daughters
Walter P. Stern Activist 26-Sep-1928 Chairman, Hudson
John Paul Stevens Judge 20-Apr-1920 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1975-2010
Potter Stewart Judge 23-Jan-1915 7-Dec-1985 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1958-81
Annette Strauss Politician 26-Jan-1924 14-Dec-1998 Mayor of Dallas 1987-91
Nadine Strossen Activist 18-Aug-1950 President of the ACLU
Kathleen Sullivan Scholar 20-Aug-1955 Scholar of constitutional law
Louis Wade Sullivan Government 3-Nov-1933 US Secretary of HHS, 1989-93
Emory C. Swank Diplomat 29-Jan-1922 3-Jun-2010 US Ambassador to
Cambodia, 1970-73
Deanell Reece Tacha Judge 26-Jan-1946 10th Circuit Court of
William Howard Taft Head of State 15-Sep-1857 8-Mar-1930 27th US President,
Tristan Taormino Columnist 9-May-1971 Anal sex authority
Jake Tapper Journalist 12-Mar-1969 ABC Chief White House Correspondent
Henry Taube Chemist 30-Nov-1915 16-Nov-2005 Mechanisms of electron transfer
Julie Taymor Film Director 15-Dec-1952 Across the Universe
John Templeton Philanthropist 29-Nov-1912 8-Jul-2008 Billionaire fund manager
Marsha K. Ternus Judge 30-May-1951 Iowa Chief Justice
Ernest Thayer Poet 14-Aug-1863 21-Aug-1940 Casey at the Bat
Peter Thiel Business 11-Oct-1967 Co-Founder of PayPal
Kent J. Thiry Business c.
CEO of DaVita
Pamela Thomas-Graham Business 24-Jun-1963 CEO of CNBC, 2001-05
Lonnie Thompson Scientist 1-Jul-1948 Paleoclimatologist,
Lester Thurow Economist 7-May-1938 Sloan School of
Jean Hoefer Toal Judge 11-Aug-1943 South Carolina Chief
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Educator c. 1937 GWU President, 1988-2007
William Monroe Trotter Activist 7-Apr-1872 7-Apr-1934 Co-founder, Boston
Roger Y. Tsien Scientist 1-Feb-1952 Green Fluorescent Protein
Daniel C. Tsui Physicist 28-Feb-1939 Fractional quantum Hall effect
Murray Turoff Scientist 13-Feb-1936 Computer conferencing´and instant messaging
Mark Twain Author 30-Nov-1835 21-Apr-1910 Huckleberry Finn
Stanley A. Twardy Attorney c. 1951 US Attorney for
Connecticut, 1985-91
Laura D. Tyson Economist 28-Jun-1947 Dean of London Business School
John Updike Novelist 18-Mar-1932 27-Jan-2009 Rabbit, Run
Harold C. Urey Chemist 29-Apr-1893 5-Jan-1981 Discovered Deuterium
Martin Van Buren Head of State 5-Dec-1782 24-Jul-1862 8th US President, 1837-41
Peter Viereck Poet 5-Aug-1916 13-May-2006 Terror and Decorum
Fay Vincent Baseball 29-May-1938 Commissioner of
Baseball, 1989-92
David Vitter Politician 3-May-1961 US Senator from Louisiana
Stephen R. Volk Attorney c. 1935 Vice Chairman of Citigroup
David C. Vorhoff Business c. 1955 Bank of America
Securities Healthcare Group
George Vradenburg Attorney 14-Mar-1943 Strategic Advisor for
AOL Time Warner
Clifford M. Walker Politician 4-Jul-1877 9-Nov-1954 Governor of Georgia,
Richard H. Walker Attorney c. 1950 General Counsel,
Deutsche Bank
Kim M. Wardlaw Judge 2-Jul-1954 9th Circuit Court of
Bushrod Washington Judge 5-Jun-1762 26-Nov-1829 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1799-1829
Jack Watson Government ? Carter's Chief of Staff
Mel Watt Politician 26-Aug-1945 Congressman, North
Carolina 12th
Seth P. Waxman Government 28-Nov-1951 US Solicitor General,
Elizabeth A. Weaver Judge c. 1940 Justice, Michigan
Supreme Court
John Webb Judge 18-Sep-1926 18-Sep-2008 NC State Supreme Court Justice, 1986-98
Daniel Webster Politician 18-Jan-1782 24-Oct-1852 The completest man
Caspar Weinberger Government 18-Aug-1917 28-Mar-2006 Iran-Contra figure
pardoned by Bush
John Giffen Weinmann Attorney 29-Aug-1928 White House Chief of
Protocol, 1991-93
Michael F. Weinstein Business c. 1948 CEO of Snapple, 1997-2000
C. David Welch Diplomat 1953 US Ambassador to Egypt, 2001-05
Joseph Welch Attorney 22-Oct-1890 6-Oct-1960 Have you no sense of
Bill Weld Politician 31-Jul-1945 Governor of
Massachusetts, 1991-97
Dave Weldon Politician 31-Aug-1953 Congressman from
Florida, 1995-2009
Charles T. Wells Judge 4-Mar-1939 Justice, Florida Supreme Court
Paul Wellstone Politician 21-Jul-1944 25-Oct-2002 US Senator from
Minnesota, 1991-2002
John C. West Politician 27-Aug-1922 21-Mar-2004 Governor of South
Carolina, 1971-75
Abigail S. Wexner Relative c. 1962 Wife of Leslie H. Wexner
M. Edward Whelan III Activist c. 1959 Ethics and Public Policy Center
Byron White Judge 8-Jun-1917 15-Apr-2002 US Supreme Court
Justice, 1962-93
Marina v.N. Whitman Economist 6-Mar-1935 Council of Economic
Advisers, 1972-73
Eli Whitney Inventor 8-Dec-1765 8-Jan-1825 Inventor of the cotton
Anne Marie Whittemore Business c.
Partner, McGuireWoods LLP
Faith Ryan Whittlesey Diplomat 21-Feb-1939 Twice US Ambassador ton Switzerland
John Edgar Wideman Novelist 14-Jun-1941 Sent for You Yesterday
Jacques L. Wiener, Jr. Judge 2-Oct-1934 5th Circuit Court of
Frank Wilczek Physicist 15-May-1951 Deep structure of matter
Sean Wilentz Historian c.
The Rise of American Democracy
G. Mennen Williams Politician 23-Feb-1911 2-Feb-1988 Governor of Michigan, 1949-61
Maggie Williams Government 25-Dec-1954 Hillary Clinton's former Chief of staff
Edward O. Wilson Biologist 10-Jun-1929 Father of Sociobiology
Robert Woodrow Wilson Astronomer 10-Jan-1936 Detected primordial
Woodrow Wilson Head of State 28-Dec-1856 3-Feb-1924 28th US President,
Edwin E. Witte Economist 4-Jan-1887 20-May-1960 Father of Social Security
Werner F. Wolfen Attorney 15-May-1930 Former Partner, Irell
& Manella
Levi Woodbury Politician 22-Dec-1789 4-Sep-1851 NH Senator, Governor, US Supreme Court
James Woolsey Government 21-Sep-1941 CIA Director, 1993-95
James Wright Educator 1939 President, Dartmouth
Joe B. Wyatt Educator c. 1935 Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, 1982-2000
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow Physicist 19-Jul-1921 30-May-2011 Developed radioimmunoassay technique
Janet L. Yellen Economist 13-Aug-1946 President and CEO, San Francisco Fed
David B. Yoffie Business ? Competing on Internet Time
Strauss Zelnick Business 26-Jun-1957 CEO of BMG Entertainment, 1998-2000
Robert Zoellick Governo dos Bancos
25-Jul-1953 World Bank president, 2007-12
William D. Zollars Business c. 1947 CEO of YRC Worldwide

c. - Significa por volta de... Tomando como exemplo a data c.1947, quer dizer que foi por volta de 1947.

Fontes: Muitas, wiki corporation,
Outras consultas:

Informação bibliográficaTítulo The Phi Beta Kappa key: the official publication of the united chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, Volume 3
Autor Phi Beta Kappa
Editor Oscar McMurtrie Voorhees
Editora Press of the Unionist-gazette Association, 1916
Original de Universidade da Califórnia
Digitalizado 15 Out 2009
Título General catalog, 1776-1922 Autor Phi Beta Kappa
Editor Oscar McMurtrie Voorhees
Editora Unionist-Gazette association, 1923
Original de Universidade de Michigan
Digitalizado 13 Out 2007
Número de páginas 1473 páginas

Por Lisa Endlich

Phi Beta Kappa: The First Fraternity


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