Este teste faz parte de um conjunto de testes, completamente legais que efectuámos via link, para determinar a performance do site.
Não iremos testar o nível de segurança, visto que isso já poderia ser considerado do ambito da ilegalidade.
E nós não entramos em elegalidades...
Um site tão caro com umas métricas tão baixas, é caso para perguntar; Que manutenção é essa?
Nos tempos que correm com o país na miséria, é efectuado um contracto de manutenção de um site em Joomla, por 73.554,00 Euros... com cortes em ordenados e subsidios de Natal e Férias!
Isto é INADMÍSSIVEL, mesmo sem ser em tempo de crise.
Importa referir que o contracto com a duração de 365 dias (1 ano), foi celebrado em 19-09-2011, e que decorrido todo este tempo, o site o site apresenta as características abaixo
Website Thumbnail | Latest Performance Report for: | Slow Page Download PDF at Gtmetrix |
Report generated: Fri, May 25, 2012, 2:49 PM -0700 Test Server Region: Vancouver, Canada Using: Firefox 10.0.2, Page Speed, YSlow 3.0.4 | Your page generation time is slow Find out why and explore possible solutions » | |
Fizemos o Teste grátis em GTmetrix Website Performance I got my scores; what now? | ||
Start optimizing your site! But before you do: Understand the recommendations They are meant to be generic, best practices; not everything will apply to your site. Rules are sorted in order of impact upon score Optimizing rules at the top of the list can greatly improve your overall score. Read our FAQ for more info AT Gtmetrix |
Veja aqui o Relatório YSlow
Veja aqui o Relatório W3C
Sumary | |||||
Page Speed Grade: | E | YSlow Grade: | C | Page load time: | 4.11s |
(57%) | (71%) | Total page size: | 518KB | ||
Total number of requests: | 26 |
Page speed Grade | ||||
Recommendation | Grade | Grade% | Type | Priority |
Leverage browser caching | F (0) | 45% | Server | High |
What does this mean? The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources: • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) • (expiration not specified) | ||||
Enable gzip compression | F (1) | 75% | Server | High |
What does this mean?Enable gzip compressionCompressing resourceswith gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network. Read more at Gtmetrix Compressing the following resources with gzip could reduce their transfer size by 153.6KiB (68% reduction).
| ||||
Minify CSS | F (45) | 78% | CSS | High |
What does this mean?Minify CSSCompacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.Read more Minifying the following CSS resources could reduce their size by 3.0KiB (16% reduction).
| ||||
Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header | E (57) | 88% | Server | High |
What does this mean?Specify a Vary:Bugs in some public proxies may lead to compressed versions of your resources being served to users that don't support compression. Specifying the | ||||
Defer parsing of JavaScript | C (75) | 66% | JS | High |
What does this mean?Defer parsing of JavaScriptIn order to load a page, the browser must parse the contents of all<script> tags, which adds additional time to the page load. By minimizing the amount of JavaScript needed to render the page, and deferring parsing of unneeded JavaScript until it needs to be executed, you can reduce the initial load time of your page. Read more on Gtmetrix 165.9KiB of JavaScript is parsed during initial page load. Defer parsing JavaScript to reduce blocking of page rendering.
| ||||
Remove unused CSS | D (60.2) | 65% | CSS | Low |
What does this mean?Remove unused CSSRemoving or deferring style rules that are not used by a document avoid downloads unnecessary bytes and allow the browser to start rendering sooner.Read more on Gtmetrix 55.7% of CSS (estimated 10.5kB of 18.9kB) is not used by the current page. 2.9kB of 5.8kB is not used by the current page.
| ||||
Minify JavaScript | B (82) | 88% | JS | High |
What does this mean?Minify JavaScriptCompacting JavaScriptcode can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time. Read more Minifying the following JavaScript resources could reduce their size by 9.5KiB (6% reduction).
| ||||
Minify HTML | B (84) | 92% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Minify HTMLCompacting HTML code,including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time. Read more at GTmetrix Minifying the following HTML resources could reduce their size by 1.3KiB (11% reduction).
| ||||
Optimize images | B (84) | 75% | Images | High |
What does this mean?Optimize imagesProperly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.Read more Optimizing the following images could reduce their size by 6.7KiB (20% reduction).
| ||||
Specify image dimensions | B (85) | 51% | Images | High |
What does this mean?Specify image dimensionsSpecifying a width and height for all images allows for faster rendering by eliminating theneed for unnecessary reflows and repaints. Read more The following image(s) are missing width and/or height attributes.
| ||||
Inline small JavaScript | B (89) | 97% | JS | High |
What does this mean?Inline small JavaScriptInlining small external JavaScript files can save the overhead of fetching these small files. A good alternative to inline JavaScript is to combine the external JavaScript files.Read more The following external resources have small response bodies. Inlining the response in HTML can reduce blocking of page rendering. should inline the following small resources:
| ||||
Use efficient CSS selectors | D (68) | 25% | CSS | Low |
What does this mean?Use efficient CSS selectorsAvoiding inefficient keyselectors that match large numbers of elements can speed up pagerendering. Read more has 0 very inefficient rules, 4 inefficient rules, and 0 potentially inefficient uses of :hover out of 39 total rules. has 0 very inefficient rules, 15 inefficient rules, and 3 potentially inefficient uses of :hover out of 58 total rules. has 4 very inefficient rules, 5 inefficient rules, and 3 potentially inefficient uses of :hover out of 79 total rules.
| ||||
Specify a character set early | A (95) | 97% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Specify a character set earlySpecifying a character set early for your HTML documents allows the browser to begin executing scripts immediately.Read more The following resources have no character set specified in their HTTP headers. Specifying a character set in HTTP headers can speed up browser rendering.
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Avoid bad requests | A (100) | 96% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Avoid bad requestsRemoving "broken links", or requests that result in 404/410 errors, avoids wasteful requests.Read more | ||||
Enable Keep-Alive | A (100) | 95% | Server | High |
What does this mean?Enable Keep-AliveEnabling HTTP Keep-Alive or HTTP persistent connections allow the same TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests, thus reducing the latency forsubsequent requests. Read more | ||||
Inline small CSS | A (100) | 93% | CSS | High |
What does this mean?Inline small CSSInlining small external CSS files can save the overhead of fetching these small files. A good alternative to inline CSS is to combine the external CSS files.Read more | ||||
Make landing page redirects cacheable | A (100) | 99% | Server | High |
What does this mean?Make landing page redirects cacheableMany pages, especially mobile pages, redirect users to a different URL, for instance to .Making this redirect cacheable by the user's browser can speed up page load times for repeat visitors to a site. Read more | ||||
Minimize redirects | A (100) | 94% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Minimize redirectsMinimizing HTTP redirects from one URL to another cuts out additional RTTs and wait time for users.Read more | ||||
Minimize request size | A (100) | 100% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Minimize request sizeKeeping cookies and request headers as small as possible ensures that an HTTP request canfit into a single packet. Read more | ||||
Optimize the order of styles and scripts | A (100) | 95% | CSS/JS | High |
What does this mean?Optimize the order of styles and scriptsCorrectly ordering external stylesheets and external and inline scripts enables betterparallelization of downloads and speeds up browser rendering time. Read more The following external CSS files were included after an external JavaScript file in To ensure CSS files are downloaded in parallel, always include external CSS before external JavaScript.
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Put CSS in the document head | A (100) | 100% | CSS | High |
What does this mean?Put CSS in the document headMoving inline style blocks and<link> elements from the document body to the document head improves rendering performance.Read more | ||||
Remove query strings from static resources | A (100) | 93% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Remove query strings from static resourcesMost proxies, most notably Squid up through version 3.0, do not cache resources with a "?"in their URL even if a Cache-control: header is present in the response. To enable proxy caching for these resources, remove querystrings from references to static resources, and instead encode the parameters into the file names themselves. Read more | ||||
Serve resources from a consistent URL | A (100) | 95% | Content | High |
What does this mean?Serve resources from a consistent URLIt's important to serve a resource from a unique URL, to eliminate duplicate download bytes and additional RTTs.Read more | ||||
Serve scaled images | A (100) | 91% | Images | High |
What does this mean?Serve scaled imagesProperly sizing images can save many bytes of data.Read more | ||||
Specify a cache validator | A (100) | 96% | Server | High |
What does this mean?Specify a cache validatorAll static resources should have either a Last-Modified or ETag header. Read moreThis will allow browsers to take advantage of the full benefits of caching. | ||||
Avoid CSS @import | A (100) | 97% | CSS | Medium |
What does this mean?Avoid CSS @importUsing CSS @import in an external stylesheet can add additional delays during the loading of a web page.Read more | ||||
Combine images using CSS sprites | A (100) | 58% | Images | Medium |
What does this mean?Combine images using CSS spritesCombining images into as few files as possible using CSS sprites reduces the number of round-trips and delays in downloading other resources, reduces request overhead, and can reduce the total number of bytes downloaded by a web page. Read more | ||||
Prefer asynchronous resources | A (100) | 96% | JS | Medium |
What does this mean? You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here! |
Fonte GTmetrix: os outros testes que efectuámos e que estamos publicando
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