Arquivo desclassificado do FBI: Prova que Hitler não morreu, e fugiu para a Argentina
Quando há uns anos falava neste assunto, a maioria dizia que era maluco. Há cerca de dois anos atráz, um jornalista de investigação argentino lançou um livro sobre o tema, foi noticia em todo o lado (SIC e TVI inclusive, pelo menos foi nessas duas que vi a notícia), o livro está escudado em documentação desclassificada dos serviços secretos argentinos. E mesmo assim a maioria continua a dizer que isso é um disparate.
Abaixo a Notícia TVI 24
Hitler pode ter conseguido fugir
Livro divulga documento que defende a tese segundo a qual o líder nazi não se suicidou, mas fugiu para a Argentina
Por: tvi24 / CP | 18- 5- 2010 19: 54
O livro «O exílio de Hitler», do jornalista Abel Basti, divulgou um documento que defende a tese segundo a qual o líder nazi não se suicidou, mas antes terá conseguido fugir para Espanha e depois para a Argentina, refere a EFE.
O documento secreto alemão mostra que o nome do Führer consta da lista de passageiros evacuados num avião que viajou da Áustria para Barcelona, no dia 26 de Abril de 1945. Adolf Hitler pode ter-se escondido, então, em Espanha, durante vários dias, tendo depois viajado para a Argentina.
Recorde-se que, oficialmente, o líder nazi recusou fugir de Berlim a 30 de Abril de 1945 e suicidou-se, tal como a sua amante, Eva Braun. No entanto, os seus corpos nunca foram descobertos.
Para o jornalista argentino, esta versão é uma «farsa» que foi «fabricada» para ajudar Hitler, que era, na altura, considerado uma «peça-chave» para combater o comunismo depois da guerra.
«Não tenho dúvidas de que, quando a Segunda Guerra Mundial estava a acabar, Hitler fugiu da Alemanha debaixo de um escudo protector de sectores do poder ingleses e norte-americanos, os mesmos que o financiaram para que, de um humilde pintor, pudesse chegar a chanceler da Alemanha», disse Basti.
Segundo o jornalista, o «grande segredo» residiu na chegada de um duplo de Adolf Hitler ao local onde este se terá suicidado, no dia 22 de Abril de 1945. «Nesse dia, o verdadeiro Hitler voou para o aeroporto austríaco de Hörsching, com mais oito pessoas, entre elas Eva Braun», acrescentou.
O autor do livro garante que recolheu testemunhos que contam alguns episódios da estadia do chefe nazi em Espanha. Depois, um documento dos serviços secretos britânicos revela que uma caravana de «submarinos nazis partiu dias mais tarde de Espanha e, depois de uma escala técnica nas Canárias, continuou o ser périplo até ao Sul da Argentina», com o aval dos EUA.
«Num desses submarinos viajavam Hitler e Eva Braun», assegurou.
Agora o FBI desclassifica no seu arquivo Vault Files que temos disponível para Download, um relatório sobre a fuga do Hitler para a Argentina, com 742 (203+179+221+139=742) páginas, quero ver agora, quem é o imbecil que me vai chamar maluco ou disparatado.
NAZI Secrets FBI Vault Files Leaked DocumentsAdolf Hitler False Suicide Destination Revealed Part 01 of 04 Download
NAZI Secrets FBI Vault Files Leaked Documents Adolf Hitler False Suicide Destination Revealed Part 02 of 04 Download
NAZI Secrets FBI Vault Files Leaked Documents Adolf Hitler False Suicide Destination Revealed Part 03 of 04 Download
NAZI Secrets FBI Vault Files Leaked Documents Adolf Hitler False Suicide Destination Revealed Part 04 of 04 Download
(Relatório em 4 PDFs para download nos sites acima citados)
to unite all of Europe under one single constitution. (Of course, this in effect would wipe out the National Sovereignty of every country in the European Union.) HITLER'S DAUGHTER?
ResponderEliminarBut more ominous still is the disclosure that Soviet KGB archive files present a terrifying portrait of the present German Chancellor as being the daughter of the former German Nazi Leader, Adolf Hitler. This information has been released from Leningrad by Sorcha Faal, of the world's largest English
Language New Service, The Russian news service anounces important world news which is often kept from us by the controlled Western News media. Angela Merkel is officially said to be born on July 17, 1954 in the former Soviet controlled German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
However, Angela Merkel's Stasi GDR file states that she was instead born on April 20, 1954, the birth date of her 'true' father, Adolph Hitler who was born on April 20, 1889. Angela Merkel's means of birth, as detailed in these documents, was based upon the research of the German Doctor Carl Clauberg. Clauberg, though classified as one of the worst Nazi 'Angel of Death' doctors, and convicted by the Soviet Courts as being a
'war criminal', was nevertheless freed by the Soviets, when he was recognized as being the 'Father' of artificial insemination. According to these documents, Doctor Clauberg was released by the Soviets after serving only 7 years of sentence in exchange for turning over to the KGB his hidden files on his Nazi artificial insemination experiments and, more horrifically, the frozen sperm of the former Nazi Dictator, Adolf Hitler. Upon their receipt of the Nazi files on artificial insemination, along with Hitler's frozen sperm, the Soviet Politicheskoye Buro (Politburo) authorized the experiments to 'resurrect', 'if possible', a child bearing the 'genetic markers' of Adolph Hitler. Doctor Clauberg then brought to Communist East Germany Eva Braun�s Hitler's wife's) youngest sister, Gretl to be the 'surrogate' mother for the intended offspring of Hitler, using Hitler's frozen sperm. It was 'reasoned' that the combining of the genes between Hitler's sperm and Eva Braun's closest kin would produce for the Soviets a 'near match' of what a child of Hitler and Eva Braun would have been, should one have been born. PLACED IN A LUTHERAN HOME
Upon the birth of Angela Merkel in 1954 it was 'agreed' by the Soviets, Americans and the Vatican, that she would be 'placed' under the 'control' of the Catholic Church through its' connections' with the East German Lutheran Church, with whom she was in fact placed. Doctor Clauberg, after the birth of Hitler's Daughter, and upon his return to West Germany was promptly imprisoned and within two years murdered while still in the custody of the West German and Americans. VATICAN-GERMAN PLAN?
In the 'agreement' between the Soviets, the Western Powers and the Vatican, the 'ascendancy' of Hitler's Daughter to power could not be achieved until the Vatican also brought to power a German Pope. This was accomplished when the former Nazi Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI became Pope on April 20, 2005, precisely on the 116th birthday anniversary of Adolph Hitler.
Quickly following the Nazi German Pope to European power, Hitler's Daughter was elected as the Chancellor of Germany on November 22, 2005 another significant World Globalist anniversary it being on November 22, 1859 that Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species was published, aimed at severing mankind from the knowledge of his divinely created origins. Today, the Daughter of Hitler, holding the same office as her father, Chancellor of Germany, is now also the President of the European Union (EU) and the head of the powerful Western Economic Block (G-8).(<www.whatdoesitmean
FILHA de Hitler?
ResponderEliminarMas o mais sinistro ainda é a revelação de que arquivos soviéticos KGB arquivo apresentar um retrato aterrador da chanceler alemã presente como sendo a filha do líder alemão ex-nazista, Adolf Hitler. Esta informação foi liberada a partir de Leningrado por Sorcha Faal, das maiores do mundo Inglês
Nova linguagem de serviço, O serviço de notícias russa anuncia notícias do mundo importante que é muitas vezes mantidos de nós pelos meios de comunicação controlados notícias ocidentais. Angela Merkel é oficialmente disse a ser nascido em 17 de julho de 1954 na antiga União Soviética controlada República Democrática Alemã (Alemanha Oriental).
No entanto, Stasi Angela Merkel estados de arquivos GDR que ela estava em vez nascidas em 20 de abril de 1954, a data de nascimento de seu pai "verdadeiro", Adolph Hitler, que nasceu em 20 de abril de 1889. Meios de Angela Merkel de nascimento, conforme detalhado nestes documentos, foi baseado na pesquisa do médico alemão Carl Clauberg. Clauberg, embora classificado como um dos piores "Anjo da Morte 'nazista médicos, e condenado pelos tribunais soviéticos como sendo um "Criminoso de guerra", no entanto, foi libertado pelos soviéticos, quando ele foi reconhecido como sendo o 'Pai' da inseminação artificial. De acordo com esses documentos, doutor Clauberg foi lançado pelos soviéticos depois de cumprir apenas 7 anos de pena em troca de virar para os seus KGB arquivos ocultos em seus experimentos nazistas de inseminação artificial e, mais horrivelmente, o esperma congelado do ex-ditador nazista, Adolf Hitler. Após o recebimento dos arquivos nazistas de inseminação artificial, juntamente com esperma congelado de Hitler, a União Soviética Politicheskoye Buro (Politburo) autorizou os experimentos para 'ressuscitar', 'se possível', uma criança tendo os 'marcadores genéticos dos de Adolph Hitler. Doutor Clauberg então trouxe a irmã de mulher comunista Alemanha Oriental Eva Braun Hitler mais jovem), Gretl para ser a mãe "substituta" para a prole pretendida de Hitler, usando esperma congelado de Hitler. Foi "fundamentado", que a combinação dos genes do esperma entre Hitler e Eva Braun parentes mais próximos do que produzir para os soviéticos um "jogo de perto" do que um filho de Hitler e Eva Braun teria sido, se deve ter nascido. Colocado em um lar LUTHERAN
Após o nascimento de Angela Merkel em 1954 foi "acordado" pelos soviéticos, os americanos eo Vaticano, que iria ser "colocado" sob o "controle" da Igreja Católica através de suas 'ligações' com a Alemanha Oriental da Igreja Luterana, com quem ela foi de fato colocada. Doutor Clauberg, após o nascimento da filha de Hitler, e em seu retorno para a Alemanha Ocidental foi prontamente presa e dentro de dois anos assassinado enquanto ainda sob a custódia da Alemanha Ocidental e norte-americanos. VATICANO-plano alemão?
No 'acordo' entre os soviéticos, as potências ocidentais eo Vaticano, a "ascensão" da filha de Hitler ao poder não poderia ser alcançado até que o Vaticano também levou ao poder um Papa alemão. Isto foi conseguido quando o ex-nazista Joseph Ratzinger se tornou Papa Bento XVI se tornou papa em 20 de abril de 2005, precisamente no aniversário aniversário 116 de Adolph Hitler.
Rapidamente após o nazista alemão Papa para poder europeu, Filha de Hitler foi eleito chanceler da Alemanha em 22 de novembro de 2005, outro aniversário Globalist significativa Mundial sendo em 22 de novembro de 1859 que a origem de Charles Darwin "das Espécies foi publicada, com vista a cortar a humanidade a partir do conhecimento de suas origens divinamente criados. Hoje, a filha de Hitler, segurando o mesmo escritório que seu pai, a chanceler da Alemanha, agora é também o Presidente da União Europeia (UE) eo chefe do Bloco Ocidental poderoso Econômica ( G-8). (<www.whatdoesitmean
Hitler não se suicidou: A CIA, os serviços de inteligência americanos permitiram a fuga de Hitler em troca de acesso a tecnologia de guerra nazi
ResponderEliminarNo recém-publicado livro “Lobo Cinzento: A Fuga de Adolf Hitler”, dois historiadores desafiam a história e acreditam que a vida de Hitler não terminou no bunker em Berlim.
Os autores reclamam ter encontrado indícios evidentes de que Hitler e Eva Braun não se terão suicidado mas sim fugido de submarino para um enclave nazi na Argentina. No país, o casal ter-se-à divorciado, deixando duas filhas.
“Não há provas forenses que comprovem a morte do casal e os relatos de testemunhas que confirmam a sua presença na Argentina são extremamente excitantes” diz o autor Gerrard Williams. As ossadas que alegadamente pertencem a Hitler (e se encontram hoje na Rússia) são de uma mulher de 40 anos, quando Hitler teria, à data da morte, 56 anos.
A teoria não fica por aqui. O livro explica que os serviços de inteligência americanos permitiram a fuga do Führer em troca de acesso a tecnologia de guerra nazi.
Nos dias cruciais, antes da chegada das tropas aliadas a Berlim, dois duplos terão tomado o lugar do casal alemão, dando-lhes tempo para a fugir. Durante a fuga viajaram para a Dinamarca, passaram por Espanha e, com o apoio do General Franco, embarcaram num submarino com destino a Mar del Plata na Argentina.
Os autores baseiam-se também numa investigação no terreno, tendo recolhido relatos de testemunhas que viram Hitler na Argentina.
A teoria de Williams e Dunstan tem sido ridicularizada por outros historiadores. “É 2000% de lixo”, afirma o famoso historiador Guy Walters. “Os dois autores deviam ter vergonha de tentar impingir este tipo de disparates. É simplesmente inacreditável que as editoras lhes tenham dado todo este destaque”.
O historiador reclama que ele e os seus colegas estudaram e comprovaram a morte do casal no bunker em Berlim e sentem que esta nova teoria tenta “deitar ao lixo décadas de investigação feita por verdadeiros historiadores”. Fonte: Sábado
Fulford Claims Merkel Is Hitler's Daughter 1
ResponderEliminarAdolf and Angela share facial features - eyes and mouth similar, and similar lines down from the edge of the mouth.
From David Meyer's August 2007 Last Trumpet Newsletter:
Angela Merkel was born in the D.D.R., the Communist portion of Germany in 1954. Her biography says she was born on July 17, 1954, and that she is the daughter of a Lutheran minister from an East German-controlled church. Recently, however, Soviet KJB archive files reveal an entirely different story. Stasi GDR files indicate that she was born on April 20th, 1954, and details of her birth were included in the records of the German Dr. Karl Klauberg, who was one of the Nazi "death doctors" convicted by Soviet courts and imprisoned. When he later was recognized as a brilliant scientist, he was released after seven years and was recognized as the father of artificial insemination.
The Soviets were even more intrigued when they discovered Dr. Klauberg had preserved frozen samples of the sperm of Adolf Hitler.
The forces of darkness in high places decided to try to produce a child from Hitler's sperm, obviously for occult and illuministic purposes. Dr. Klauberg then brought the youngest sister of Eva Braun (Hitler's wife), whose name was Gretl, to Eastern Germany, and the result of the experiment produced not a biological son of Hitler, but rather a daughter.
Fulford Claims Merkel Is Hitler's Daughter 2
ResponderEliminarEva Braun with Gretl her youngest sister. Eva Braun has a Merkel look.
Amazingly, Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889, and Angela Merkel was born on April 20th, 1954. (April 20th is 11 days before the witches' high sabat of Beltaine.) Angela became a custodian of the Catholic Church through its connections with the East German Lutheran Church. Once a German Pope would take the Roman throne, Angela Merkel was to also take her biological father's position as German Chancellor.
Hitler arm in arm with Eva and Gretl, claimed to be Angela Merkel's mother.
On April 20th, 2005, the Nazi Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, (16th), precisely on the 116th birthday of Adolf Hitler. Then on November 22nd, 2005, Hitler's biological daughter, Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany. The day of that election, November 22nd, was the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species, which is an antichrist publication denying the Creator of the universe.
If the Soviet record is true, and the evidence is strong, it opens up some amazing possibilities. The undeniable fact is that Angela Merkel came from obscurity to triumviral power as German Chancellor, President of the European Union, and head of the powerful G-8 economic cartel. When I began to do further research on this, I discovered that Hitler's father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild mistress whose last name was Schicklgruber.
The etymology of the name Hitler reveals that the name means a shepherd who lives in a hut. The name Adolf from Old High German means noble wolf. Thus, his combined name indicates that he was the Shepherd Wolf, or false shepherd. Strangely enough, Pope Ratzinger, or Benedict XVI, also has the title of Shepherd of the Church, and since he took office, the Roman Catholic Church has had a German shepherd. Incidentally, that breed of dog resembles a wolf.
We also know that Adolf Hitler nicknamed himself Herr Wolf. His East Prussian headquarters was called Wolfsschanze; his headquarters in France was called Wolfsschlucht, and his headquarters in the Ukraine was called Werwolf. Will the powerful European Union become the New World Order and Fourth Reich? Only God knows.
One more interesting point is that Chancellor Angela Merkel has an unusual obsession with the works of the occult composer Richard Wagner, who was a Satanist. She made her obsession known in an interview with the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in July 2005. Wagner wrote the infamous composition called Parsifal, which is purely occult and demonic. Parsifal was a favorite of Adolf Hitler as well, and Hitler stated that the music of Wagner occupied his mind. Angela Merkel, like Adolf Hitler, is deeply fascinated with Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.
The valkyries were minor female deities that would ride through every battle to gather the most valiant of the slain and carry them off to a place called Valhalla where they would wait to join the army of Odin in the last battle at the end of the world.
Is this woman, Angela Merkel, being used of Satan to marshal the forces for the last battle called Armageddon? It is also interesting to note that Chancellor Merkel has exactly the same eyes as Chancellor Hitler, and she bears a striking resemblance to him except for the little moustache, of course.
SOURCE: Last Trumpet Newsletter
Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s'
ResponderEliminarPainting depicting an aged Adolf Hitler in his 70s
"The biggest revelation is an authenticated secret German document which lists Hitler as one of the passengers evacuated by plane from Austria to Barcelona on April 26, 1945."
Although official history contends Hitler committed suicide with his newlywed wife, Eva Braun, on April, 30 1945 and their corpses were burned by others in the Berlin bunker, Abel Basti claims proof the story is a fabrication.
According to Basti's meticulous research, the leader of the Third Reich spent his last years as an art dealer and had facial plastic surgery to change his appearance.
Those are just two of the astounding revelations that respected Argentine journalist and historian Abel Basti documents in his book, Hitler's Exile.
TIME magazine announces Hitler's death in 1945
While the book was a runaway bestseller across South America, it's been suppressed in the United States and the Russian Federation. Those two countries still maintain that Germany's Führer committed suicide during the last days of World War Two.
World newspapers report Hitler dead...were they wrong?
The claim that Hitler and some high-ranking Schutzstaffel (SS) officers escaped Germany and fled to South America is not new.
Nil Nikandrov observes (Strategic Culture Foundation, "All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America"): "In his well-documented, The Hitler Survival Myth (1981), Donald McKale identifies the earliest source of the myth of Hitler's escape to the southern hemisphere as the unexpected surrender of a German submarine in early July 1945 at Mar del Plata, Argentina.
"Several Buenos Aires newspapers, in defiance of Argentine Navy statements, said that rubber boats had been seen landing from it, and other submarines spotted in the area.
"On July 16, 1945, the Chicago Times carried a sensational article on the Hitlers having slipped off to Argentina.”
July 16, 1945: Chicago Times reports Hitler fled to South America
The Hitler-in-Argentina tale first surfaced in a book back in 1947
"Ladislao Zsabó, a Hungarian advertiser, witnessed the arrival of the U-530 and saw its crew disembarking. He had heard that the destination was the German Antarctica and, mistakenly, made a supposition that Hitler had escaped to Antarctica, and published the book Hitler está Vivo (Hitler is Alive), where he speaks about the possible location of Hitler, in Queen's Maud properties, opposite the Weddel Sea, that was then renamed Neuschwabenland, when the area was explored in 1938/39 by the German expedition [led] by Captain Ritschter.
"Zsabó made the wrong assumption.
"Had he read the book by Professor Hugo Fernandez Artucio published in 1940, Nazis en el Uruguay, (Nazis in Uruguay) he would had discovered that there actually was a plan referring to German Antarctica, but this was nothing but the term they used for the Patagonia and that this information had been made public in New York in 1939." [Nil Nikandrov]
Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s'
ResponderEliminar'Eagle's Nest" stonework on wall of German complex, Argentina.
Basti doggedly digs deeper
When there's so much smoke there's usually a fire. Basti tracked down that fire during seven years of sometimes grueling investigations.
Author-journalist Abel Basti holds copy of his bestselling book
He personally visited German compounds surrounded by security and stern-faced guards, interviewed surviving witnesses in villages near the strongholds, and even obtained authenticated photographs of Hitler and Braun during their exile years.
Alleged photo of Adolf and Eva with daughter Urich in Argentina
"Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and Führer's closest aides flew from the burning Berlin to Spain...and then crossed the Atlantic Ocean by three submarines and reached Argentina.
"In July-August, 1945 Hitler and his clique landed in the Rio Negro province near the Caleta de los Loros village and moved on further into Argentine.
"Allegedly, the same secret route prepared by SS chief Himmler's staff was later used by Bormann, Mengele, and Eichmann.
"Basti detailed the journey of A. Hitler and E. Braun across Argentina assisted by local Nazi sympathizers and described the couple’s family life during which—despite the hardships of hiding—they even had children."
Alleged photo of Hitler in disguise, Buenos Aires meeting, 1952
Stonewalling Soviets
The Soviets weren't helpful on the matter of the German leader's death.
"The Soviets continued to be difficult. They refused to allow Westerners into Berlin even after the surrender of Dönitz's government and the last armies in the field on May 7-9. On May 10, they announced the existence of the burned bodies in the Chancellory courtyard, but only allowed that one might be Hitler. The same report went on to say that his body might never be found.
"On June 6, a spokesman for the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally that Hitler had committed suicide and that his body had been identified. Three days later, Marshall Zhukov, the head of the Soviet army gave a press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinski looking over his shoulder. 'We did not identify the body of Hitler,' he said. 'I can say nothing definite about his fate. He could have flown away from Berlin at the very last moment.'" [Nil Nikandrov ]
Interview with Basti
In an interview on Deadline - Live, an Argentine news program, journalist Santiago Romero interviewed Abel Basti about Hitler's escape, life in Patagonia, and the events that followed World War Two. ["Hitler huyó a la Patagonia en un submarino que zarpó desde Vigo" Edited.]
Romero: What is your opinion on Hitler’s escape?
Basti: "Hitler escaped via air from Austria to Barcelona. The last stage of his escape was in a submarine, from Vigo, heading straight to the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva Braun, in a car with a chauffeur and bodyguard—a motorcade of at least three cars—drove to Bariloche (Argentina).
"He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of that town. It is a property of about 250,000 acres with a lake-front view of Lake Nahuel Huapi, which had been German property since the early twentieth century, when it belonged to a German firm by the name of Schamburg-Lippe."
An alleged Hitler family home: Hacienda San Ramon
Romero: "On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after leaving his Berlin bunker?"
Basti: "I was able to confirm the presence of Hitler in Spain thanks to a—now elderly—Jesuit priest, whose family members were friends of the Nazi leader. And I have witnesses that allude to meetings he had with his entourage at the place where they stayed in Cantabria.
Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s'
ResponderEliminarRomero: "On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after leaving his Berlin bunker?"
Basti: "I was able to confirm the presence of Hitler in Spain thanks to a—now elderly—Jesuit priest, whose family members were friends of the Nazi leader. And I have witnesses that allude to meetings he had with his entourage at the place where they stayed in Cantabria.
Mr. and Mrs Hitler in Spain before voyage to Patagonia
"In addition, a document of the British secret services reveals that in those days, a Nazi submarine convoy left Spain, and after stopping in the Canary Islands, it continued its journey to the south of Argentina.
"Hitler and Eva Braun traveled onboard one of these submarines, which later arrived in Patagonia between July and August of 1945, under the de facto President Edelmiro Farrell and later Juan Domingo Peron, then his Minister of War. There is also another important document mentioning that the FBI was looking for Hitler in Spain after World War II."
Romero: "From where did he leave to Patagonia?"
Basti: "All the evidence points to the Galician coast, which was a significant base of supplies for Nazi submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic, to the extent that Churchill considered the possibility of invading it—an action that was scrapped when they built the code-breaking “Enigma” machine and managed to decipher Nazi submarine fleet messages and the course of submarine warfare was reversed.
“There is the possibility that he left from Vigo or Ferrol, but it is almost certain that he did from Vigo, according to Britain’s MI6."
Romero: "What was Hitler’s life in Argentina like?"
Basti: "Hitler lived as a fugitive with his wife and his bodyguard. His first years were in Patagonia, and then he lived in the more northern provinces [of Argentina].
"In the early years, he held meetings in different parts of Argentina, and with other Nazis in Paraguay, as well as with sympathizers from foreign countries.
“He shaved his head and mustache, so he was not easily recognizable. He lived away from large urban areas, although he had a few meetings in Buenos Aires. He died in the sixties in Argentina.
“I’m currently investigating where he was buried and how he lived his last days."
Romero: "Did you have access to documents from the former Soviet Union?"
Basti: "Until his death in 1953, Stalin always believed that Hitler had escaped. In 1945, Stalin told the Allies this same information. There are three different shorthand writings in which Stalin mentioned that the German leader had fled.
"In Argentina, I have interviewed people who had seen and met with Hitler. In the Russian archives, there is abundant documentation that shows that Hitler had escaped."
Romero: "How did your book impact the official story of Hitler’s death?"
Basti: "Despite the recent investigations that proved that Hitler’s remains at the Kremlin in Russia did not belong to him, most Russians have always rejected the theory that he escaped. The same applies to the nations involved in the war.
“The U.S. has just reclassified [under national security auspices] for 20 [more] years all official material related to this story, and when that deadline is met, it will probably be reclassified.
“The British reclassified all related documentation for 60 more years. The researchers cannot access that information."
"Hitler huyó a la Patagonia en un submarino que zarpó desde Vigo"
ResponderEliminar"La presencia del fürher en España me la confirmó un hoy anciano jesuita"
"El exilio de Hitler", el polémico libro del periodista e historiador argentino Abel Basti, uno de los mayores expertos en fugados nazis, que llega este mes de junio a las librerías españolas tras haber sido publicado hace dos meses en Argentina por Sudamericana-Mondadori, sostiene que el führer no se suicidó en el búnker de Berlín como defiende la historia oficial, sino que consiguió huir a la Patagonia tras ser embarcado en un submarino alemán en Vigo. La mayor revelación de este libro es un documento secreto alemán en el que Hitler aparece como uno de los pasajeros evacuados en un avión de Austria a Barcelona el 26 de abril de 1945.
SANTIAGO ROMERO - VIGO–¿Cuál es su tesis de la fuga de Hitler?
–Hitler escapó vía aérea a Austria y luego a Barcelona. La última etapa fue en submarino, desde Vigo, con rumbo directo al litoral de la Patagonia. Finalmente, Hitler y Eva Braun, en un coche con chófer y guardaespaldas –una caravana de por lo menos tres automóviles– se trasladaron hasta Bariloche. Allí se refugiaron en la estancia San Ramón, a unos 15 kilómetros al este de ese pueblo. Se trata de una estancia de 100.000 hectáreas, con costa en el lago Nahuel Huapi, que estuvo en manos de alemanes desde principios del siglo XX, época en que pertenecía a un principado alemán, el de Schamburg-Lippe.
–¿En qué se basa para afirmar que Hitler estuvo España tras huir del búnker de Berlín?
–La presencia de Hitler en España me la confirmó un hoy anciano sacerdote jesuita, cuya familia era amiga del jefe nazi. Y también tengo testimonios que aluden a reuniones que mantenía con su séquito en la hostería Las Quebrantas, en Cantabria. Además, un documento de los servicios secretos británicos revela que en esos días un convoy de submarinos nazis partió de España y, tras una escala técnica en las islas Canarias, continuó su periplo hacia el sur argentino. En uno de esos submarinos viajaban Hitler y Eva Braun, que desembarcaron en la Patagonia entre julio y agosto de 1945, al amparo del presidente de facto Edelmiro Farrell y de Juan Domingo Perón, entonces su ministro de Guerra. Existe también un significativo documento del FBI, que ordenó buscar a Hitler en España después del final de la II Guerra Mundial.
–¿Dónde embarcó hacia la Patagonia?
Abel Basti- Historiador y periodista, autor de "El exilio de Hitler"
ResponderEliminar"Hitler huyó a la Patagonia en un submarino que zarpó desde Vigo
"La presencia del fürher en España me la confirmó un hoy anciano jesuita"
"El exilio de Hitler", el polémico libro del periodista e historiador argentino Abel Basti, uno de los mayores expertos en fugados nazis, que llega este mes de junio a las librerías españolas tras haber sido publicado hace dos meses en Argentina por Sudamericana-Mondadori, sostiene que el führer no se suicidó en el búnker de Berlín como defiende la historia oficial, sino que consiguió huir a la Patagonia tras ser embarcado en un submarino alemán en Vigo. La mayor revelación de este libro es un documento secreto alemán en el que Hitler aparece como uno de los pasajeros evacuados en un avión de Austria a Barcelona el 26 de abril de 1945.
SANTIAGO ROMERO - VIGO–¿Cuál es su tesis de la fuga de Hitler?
–Hitler escapó vía aérea a Austria y luego a Barcelona. La última etapa fue en submarino, desde Vigo, con rumbo directo al litoral de la Patagonia. Finalmente, Hitler y Eva Braun, en un coche con chófer y guardaespaldas –una caravana de por lo menos tres automóviles– se trasladaron hasta Bariloche. Allí se refugiaron en la estancia San Ramón, a unos 15 kilómetros al este de ese pueblo. Se trata de una estancia de 100.000 hectáreas, con costa en el lago Nahuel Huapi, que estuvo en manos de alemanes desde principios del siglo XX, época en que pertenecía a un principado alemán, el de Schamburg-Lippe.
–¿En qué se basa para afirmar que Hitler estuvo España tras huir del búnker de Berlín?
–La presencia de Hitler en España me la confirmó un hoy anciano sacerdote jesuita, cuya familia era amiga del jefe nazi. Y también tengo testimonios que aluden a reuniones que mantenía con su séquito en la hostería Las Quebrantas, en Cantabria. Además, un documento de los servicios secretos británicos revela que en esos días un convoy de submarinos nazis partió de España y, tras una escala técnica en las islas Canarias, continuó su periplo hacia el sur argentino. En uno de esos submarinos viajaban Hitler y Eva Braun, que desembarcaron en la Patagonia entre julio y agosto de 1945, al amparo del presidente de facto Edelmiro Farrell y de Juan Domingo Perón, entonces su ministro de Guerra. Existe también un significativo documento del FBI, que ordenó buscar a Hitler en España después del final de la II Guerra Mundial.
"Hitler huyó a la Patagonia en un submarino que zarpó desde Vigo"
ResponderEliminar"La presencia del fürher en España me la confirmó un hoy anciano jesuita"
"El exilio de Hitler", el polémico libro del periodista e historiador argentino Abel Basti,
–¿Dónde embarcó hacia la Patagonia?
–Todos los datos apuntan a la costa gallega, que fue una verdadera base de aprovisionamiento de los submarinos nazis durante la batalla del Atlántico, hasta el punto de que Churchill consideró la posibilidad de invadirla, acción que fue desechada cuando consiguieron hacerse con la máquina "Enigma" que descifraba los mensajes de la flota nazi y el curso de la guerra submarina cambió de signo. Existe la posibilidad de que embarcara en Vigo o en Ferrol, pero es casi seguro que lo hizo desde Vigo, según el MI6 británico.
–¿Cómo vivió en Argentina?
–Hitler vivió con su esposa y sus guardaespaldas en situación de fugitivo. Los primeros años estuvo en la Patagonia y luego vivió en provincias ubicadas más al norte. Durante los primeros años mantuvo reuniones en diferentes partes de Argentina e incluso en Paraguay con otros nazis y referentes de la derecha internacional. No tenía el clásico bigotito y estaba rapado, así que no era fácilmente reconocible. Vivió alejado de los grandes centros urbanos, aunque tuvo reuniones en Buenos Aires. Murió en los años sesenta en Argentina.Ahora investigo sus últimas horas y el destino de sus restos.
–¿Tuvo acceso a documentos de la antigua Unión Soviética?
–Stalin sostuvo hasta su muerte en 1953 que Hitler había escapado. Stalin les comunicó esta misma información a los aliados en 1945. Hay tres versiones taquigráficas de Stalin en las cuales se comprueba que sostuvo que el líder alemán había huido. En Argentina he entrevistado a personas que estuvieron con Hitler. En los archivos rusos hay abundante documentación que demuestra que Hitler escapó.
–¿Qué repercusión tuvo su libro en la versión oficial sobre la muerte de Hitler?
–La versión de la fuga es rechazada oficialmente en Rusia, a pesar de que las últimas investigaciones han demostrado que los supuestos restos de Hitler guardados en el Kremlin no son tales.. Lo mismo ocurre con las naciones involucradas en la guerra: Estados Unidos acaba de reclasificar a 20 años todo el material oficial relacionado con esta historia, y cuando se cumpla ese plazo seguramente volverá a ser reclasificado; los ingleses han reclasificado a 60 años la documentación que demuestra que Hitler escapó. Los investigadores no podemos tener acceso a esa información.
–¿Cómo es posible que los cazanazis isrelíes no lo encontraran?
–Todos los servicios secretos del mundo sabían que Hitler había escapado y que estaba en Argentina, al igual que sabían lo de Mengel, del que hay todo tipo de pruebas documentales y nunca hiceron nada.
ResponderEliminar«All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America»...
In May, 1945 officers of the SMERSH – the counter-intelligence department of the Red Army – found the burned bodies of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in a garden just outside the Reich Chancellery. An identification procedure was carried out to exclude any doubts whether the corpses were those of the Nazi leader and his wife, but for a long time its results remained classified. The secrecy bred various alternative versions. Former Chief of US Intelligence in Berlin Col. W.J. Heimlich stated that according to his own report "there was no evidence beyond that of HEARSAY to support the THEORY of Hitler's suicide". Later former CIA Director B. Smith expressed an opinion coinciding with that of his colleague by saying that nobody was able to prove Hitler's death in Berlin.
The claims awakened the fantasy of numerous individuals whose interests revolved around the history of Nazi Germany. Hundreds of books and dozens of movies about operation ODESSA – the transfer of Nazi leaders to hideouts in various remote parts of the world - have seen the light of day as a result. Like many aspects of the short existence of the Third Reich the theme is indeed captivating. Currently there seems to be a Nazi history boom in Russia. Bookstores are loaded with literature on the subject. Biographies of Nazi leaders, memoirs written by Wehrmacht generals and Luftwaffe pilots, treatises on the Abwehr and the Gestapo may be a specific sort of pabulum, but in Russia they clearly have a permanent readership.
The swastika can be seen on most of the book covers. Once I inadvertently heard a piece of a conversation among people I did not know in a bookstore - someone said: “All the leaders of the Third Reich fled to Latin America”. I was not too surprised. You can run across much stronger statements in Internet like “Hitler remained alive for a whole decade after Stalin's death and the truth finally became impossible to conceal”.
The attempts made by writers, journalists, and cohorts of sensation-seekers to float more positive and optimistic versions of what happened to Nazi leaders should not come as a surprise in the context of the current Western campaign aimed at radically reassessing the results of World War II and understating – if not altogether denying – the role played by the Soviet Union in routing the Nazi Germany and its allies. Oftentimes Nazi leaders are portrayed as fearless warriors who rose against the expansion of “the Russian Bolshevism” but were swept away by “the Eastern hordes”.
The final point in the biographies of many of the Nazi leaders was put by the Nuremberg Trials, but masters of falsifications either pretend not to notice the episodes or distort them in the style of the now-popular fantasy genre which ideologists of the dominant neoliberal doctrine brought to the forefront of the modern art. The reality which does not correspond to ideology can be cosmetically processed. A whole generation grew up on various fantasies like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and likewise global projects, and quite a few people are prepared to believe in incredible transformations of reality, miraculous transfigurations, magic illusions, and mystical triumphs of the elevated virtual reality over the boring ordinary life.
ResponderEliminar«All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America»...
The popularization of the hypothesis that Hitler survived in an underground “New Berlin” in Antarctica was one of the first attempts to plant the fantasy genre into historical literature. Allegedly engineers and construction workers delivered to the continent by 35 (!) submarines of Fuhrer's Convoy had been building the installation in enormous underground oases in 1939-1943.
Even wider circulation was enjoyed by the version according to which Nazi leaders had fled in numbers to Latin America and established a secret “Fourth Reich”. It was put forward by Ladislas Farago, an ethnic Hungarian who worked for the U.S. Naval Intelligence during World War II and cleverly utilized his unique knowledge and experience after it. He wrote books about the struggle between intelligence services and Nazi criminals that managed to avoid punishment by fleeing across the ocean. Farago's Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich became a bestseller in 1970ies. By professionally arranging the materials at his disposal the author attempted to prove that A. Hitler's personal secretary, chief of Parteikanzlei, and “gray cardinal” Bormann escaped from the intelligence services of the anti-fascist coalition countries and made it to Latin America, where he lived without serious problems and died at a senior age. Farago presented in a lively fashion the history of searches for Bormann, cited a whole bulk of documents, and supplied details of conversations with eyewitnesses of Bormann's secret life and even with Bormann himself. The books left many readers convinced that the Third Reich's number two official had miraculously survived and discredited the report that Bormann's skeleton had been found at a construction site in Berlin a few years after the end of the war and identified.
In Farago's interpretation, Bormann created in Latin America a secret network of his aides and native sympathizers which replicated the “authority vertical”, the administrative system, and the security machine of the Third Reich. Bormann's empire allegedly spread over Argentine, Paraguay, Chile, and Bolivia, and also had bases in other Latin American countries.
Indirectly Farago's version was confirmed by the accomplishments of the so-called Nazi hunters, of whom Simon Wiesenthal, a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp, was the best-known. Flows of information – at times quite unreliable - concerning Nazi criminals at large converged in Wiesenthal’s headquarters. Thus Wiesenthal floated numerous legends about the powerful Nazi underground in Latin America. Nevertheless he must be credited with having done a lot to make Nazi criminals face justice. The information supplied by Wiesenthal led to the seizure of Adolf Eichmann in Argentine and helped to establish the whereabouts of Butcher of Lyon Klaus Barbie who - after protracted strife – was eventually deported to France. At one time there was hope that the notorious Nazi sadist - physician Josef Mengele would also be caught in no time in Brazil or Paraguay.
ResponderEliminar«All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America»..
A lot has been written about Wiesenthal's efforts to put on trial Walter Rauff, the SS officer who designed gas vans, the mobile gas chambers used by the SS to exterminate prisoners. After trying to land in various countries he finally settled down in Chile where he got the job of an “adviser” with Pinochet's secret police DINA. Rauff patronized Colonia Dignidad regarded as a Nazi enclave in Chile. The colony was founded by former Nazi corporal and a fanatical follower of Hitler Paul Schafer. If the Fourth Reich ever existed, Colonia Dignidad would have been its only part to become known. In reality it was an extremely secretive cult whose leaders were involved in child abuse. On these grounds Schafer amassed a bulk of materials compromising a number of Chilean politicians, military officers, and influential businessmen and thus managed to avoid being punished for years. Only in May, 2006 Schafer and his aides were finally sentenced to long terms in jail.
ResponderEliminar«All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America»..
Interest in the Fourth Reich myth began to evaporate in the 1980ies-1990ies as at that time the Nazi criminals who found shelter in Latin America had to reach their seventies or even eighties. The page of history was about to be turned, but in 2000 the theme of the Nazi underground was revitalized by Argentinian journalist Abel Basti with his sensational books Hitler En Argentina and Bariloche Nazi: Sitios Historicos Relacionados Al Nacionalsocialismo. They were carefully documented and included photographs like post-war pictures of A. Hitler and his wife E. Braun whom he married in his bunker while the fighting of Berlin was raging. Basti's imagination and ability to invent and combine evidence were superior even to those of late Farago. The latter at least never claimed that Hitler personally headed the Fourth Reich in the name of the struggle against plutocracy, communism, Jewry, and Free Masonry. Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and Fuhrer's closest aides flew from the burning Berlin to Spain (or, alternatively – to Norway), and then crossed the Atlantic Ocean by three submarines and reached Argentina. In July-August, 1945 Hitler and his clique landed in the Rio Negro province near the Caleta de los Loros village and moved on further into Argentine. Allegedly, the same secret route prepared by SS chief H. Himmler's people was later passed by Bormann, Mengele, and Eichmann... Basti detailed the journey of A. Hitler and E. Braun across Argentina assisted by local Nazi sympathizers, and described the couple’s family life during which – despite the hardships of hiding – they even had children.
Bariloche Nazi: Sitios Historicos Relacionados Al Nacionalsocialismo became the favorite reading of Hitler's admirers. The two-storied mansion in Bariloche which – according to Basti – had served as Hitler's residence in 1945-1950 permanently attracts tourists. Other routes allegedly leading to the hideouts of Bormann, Mengele, and Eichmann had also become fairly popular. Paraguayan historian Mariano Llano expressed support for Basti's view as he also published a book on the rewarding theme entitled “Hitler. Nazi in Paraguay”.
ResponderEliminar«All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America»...
The flow of literature spreading the myth about Hitler's life in Latin America is unlikely to dwindle upon the publication of Basti's books. I am not trying to say that the fantasy genre has no right to exist. Demand for this sort of writings surges in crisis epochs when readers are hungry for whatever helps them to escape from reality. Besides, the fantasy interpretation of the past showing Nazi criminals remaining unpunished instills optimism into the present-day potential Fuhrers.
Basti's books were promoted globally, and among other countries the waves of the campaign reached Russia. Companies are trying to obtain a license to make a movie based on the material. We should expect that in the future new authors will create sensations by broadening the list of survivors to eventually include all of Hitler's associates. To eliminate discrepancies, those who were executed following the Nuremberg Trials could be look-alikes of the actual Nazi leaders and fanatics eager to sacrifice their lives...
Imagine the picture: a lovely estate in Argentina, a bunch of friends – Hitler, Bormann, Himmler, Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Muller - at the dining table. Eva Braun wearing an apron is pouring coffee with cream and serving an apple pie. What an idyll...
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