Webmaster SEO Optimização de Website: Análise Grátis Relatório GTmetrix Yslow Speed Test, Performance do Site da Secretaria Geral da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

Análise Grátis GTmetrix Yslow speed test: O site mostra-se lento. Um site com uma manutenção tão cara e com umas métricas tão baixas.

Este teste faz parte de um conjunto de testes, completamente legais que efectuámos via link, para determinar a performance do site.

Não iremos testar o nível de segurança, visto que isso já poderia ser considerado do ambito da ilegalidade.

E nós não entramos em elegalidades...

Um site tão caro com umas métricas tão baixas, é caso para perguntar; Que manutenção é essa?
Os testes efectuados demontram que não existe qualquer maqnutenção.

Relatório, Webmaster, SEO, GTmetrix, Performance Report, Website Secretaria Geral Da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

Website Thumbnail
Performance Report for:
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generated: Fri, May 26, 2012, 2:49 PM -0700
Test Server Region: Vancouver, Canada

Using: Firefox 10.0.2, Page Speed, YSlow 3.0.4
page generation time is slow

Find out why and explore possible solutions »

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Start optimizing your site! But before you do:
Understand the recommendations
They are meant to be generic, best practices; not everything will apply to your site.
Rules are sorted in order of impact upon score
Optimizing rules at the top of the list can greatly improve your overall score.
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Page Speed Grade:


YSlow Grade:

C Page load time: 4.11s
(57%) (71%) Total page size: 518KB
Total number of requests: 26

Breakdow Veja Também o Relatório W3c Validator

YSLOW Recommendation Grade Type Priority

Add Expires headers

F (0)18%ServerHigh
What does this mean?

Add Expires headers

Use an Expires header to control how your site is cached on visitors' browsers.
Read more
There are 24 static components without a far-future expiration date.
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/css/jcemediabox.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/css/style.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/css/estilos.css
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/caption.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox.js?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/md_stylechanger.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/cookie.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/fontscale.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/logoTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMenosnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMaisnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/descriptorTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bgTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/footerBg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/sg1.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/assinatura.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/wcag1A.gif
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/vcss.gif
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/favicon.ico
Compress components with gzipF (0)61%ServerHigh
What does this mean?

Compress components with gzip

Save time and bandwidth by compressing resources.
Read more
There are 15 plain text components that should be sent compressed
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/css/jcemediabox.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/css/style.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/css/estilos.css
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/caption.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox.js?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/md_stylechanger.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/cookie.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/fontscale.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/popup.html
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/tooltip.html
Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)F (0)5%ServerMedium
What does this mean?

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDNs can give an equally fast web experience to your users across the globe.
Read more
Using a CDN YSlow doesn't recognize?
Specify your CDNs in your User Settings.
There are 23 static components that are not on CDN.
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/css/jcemediabox.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/css/style.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/css/estilos.css
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/caption.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox.js?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/md_stylechanger.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/cookie.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/fontscale.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/logoTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMenosnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMaisnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/descriptorTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bgTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/footerBg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/sg1.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/assinatura.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/wcag1A.gif
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/vcss.gif
Use cookie-free domainsF (0)49%CookieLow
What does this mean?

Use cookie-free domains

Serve static content from a different domain to avoid unnecessary cookie traffic.
Read more
are 22 components that are not cookie-free
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/css/jcemediabox.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/css/style.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/css/estilos.css
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/caption.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox.js?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/md_stylechanger.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/cookie.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/fontscale.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/logoTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMenosnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMaisnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/descriptorTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/footerBg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/sg1.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/assinatura.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/wcag1A.gif
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/vcss.gif
Make fewer HTTP requestsD (69)44%ContentHigh
What does this mean?

Make fewer HTTP requests

Reduce HTTP requests through combined files and CSS sprites.
Read more
This page has 9 external Javascript scripts. Try combining them into one.

This page has 3 external stylesheets. Try combining them into one.

This page has 7 external background images. Try combining them with CSS sprites.

Configure entity tags (ETags)

F (0)




What does this mean?

Configure entity tags (ETags)

Running multiple servers with default ETag settings can prevent 304 responses.
Read more
There are 24 components with misconfigured ETags
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/css/jcemediabox.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/css/style.css?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/css/estilos.css
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/caption.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox.js?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/md_stylechanger.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/cookie.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/fontscale.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/logoTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMenosnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/aMaisnormal.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/descriptorTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/bgTop.png
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/footerBg.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/sg1.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/assinatura.jpg
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/wcag1A.gif
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/images/vcss.gif
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/favicon.ico
Put JavaScript at bottomE (55)76%JSMedium
What does this mean?

Put JavaScript at bottom

Move scripts to the bottom of pages to ensure other resources don't block.
Read more
There are 9 JavaScript scripts found in the head of the document
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/core.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/media/system/js/caption.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox.js?version=113
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/md_stylechanger.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/cookie.js
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/fontscale.js
Minify JavaScript and CSS A (90) 81% CSS/JS Medium
What does this mean?

Minify JavaScript and CSS

Strip unnecessary characters from JavaScript and CSS to speed up download times.
Read more
There is 1 component that can be minified
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/templates/beez5/javascript/webwidget_vertical_menu.js
Make AJAX cacheable A (90) 99% JS Medium
What does this mean?

Make AJAX cacheable

By allow AJAX requests to be cacheable, it can prevent unnecessary delays.
Read more
There are 2 XHR
components that are not cacheable
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/popup.html
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/standard/tooltip.html
Do not scale images in HTML A (95) 86% Images Low
What does this mean?

Do not scale images in HTML

Scaling images in HTML
can result in unnecessary bandwidth wasted downloading large images.
Read more
There is 1 image that is scaled down
  • http://www.sg.pcm.gov.pt/images/stories/assinatura.jpg
Make favicon small and cacheable A (95) 94% Images Low
What does this mean?

Make favicon small and cacheable

Keep favicons small and configure their caching.
Read more
Faviconis not cacheable
Avoid empty src or href A (100) 99% Content High
What does this mean?

Avoid empty src or href

Empty src or href attributes can cause multiple problems.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Avoid URL redirects A (100) 92% Content Medium
What does this mean?

Avoid URL redirects

Avoid using URL redirects as they add additional delays to a page load.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Put CSS at the top A (100) 98% CSS Medium
What does this mean?

Put CSS at the top

Keep style sheets in headers to ensure progressive rendering.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Remove duplicate JavaScript and CSS A (100) 100% CSS/JS Medium
What does this mean?

Remove duplicate JavaScript and CSS

Duplicate JavaScript and CSS files hurt performance by creating unnecessary HTTP requests (IE
only) and wasted JavaScript execution (IE and Firefox).
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Avoid AlphaImageLoader filter A (100) 95% CSS Medium
What does this mean?

Avoid AlphaImageLoader filter

IE's AlphaImageLoader
blocks rendering and increases page load times.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error A (100) 97% Content Medium
What does this mean?

Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error

Fixup any 404 errors to avoid your users fetching content that does not exist
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Reduce the number of DOM elements A (100) 93% Content Low
What does this mean?

Reduce the number of DOM elements

A complex page means more bytes to download, and it also means slower DOM access in JavaScript.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Use GET for AJAX requests A (100) 100% JS Low
What does this mean?

Use GET for AJAX requests

rather than POST
to collate headers and data.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Avoid CSS expressions
A (100)

What does this mean?

Avoid CSS expressions

Expressions can produce thousands of unnecessary CSS evaluations.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Reduce DNS lookups A (100) 77% Content Low
What does this mean?

Reduce DNS lookups

DNS lookups add delays to the initial requests to a host. Making requests to a large number of different hosts can hurt performance.
Read more
  • www.sg.pcm.gov.pt: 27
    components, 530.9K
Reduce cookie size A (100) 100% Cookie Low
What does this mean?

Reduce cookie size

Keep cookies as small as possible to minimize the HTTP header size.
Read more
You scored 100% on this suggestion - nothing to do here!
Make JavaScript and CSS external (n/a) CSS/JS Medium
What does this mean?

Make JavaScript and CSS external

Strategically make JavaScript and CSS external to utilize browser caching.
Read more
Only consider this if your property is a common user home page.
  • There are a total of 3 inline scripts

1 comentário:

  1. Criação logotipo, empresas SEO e Design, Somos especializados na Criação logotipo, serviços de SEO Portugal que melhorem a credibilidade, usabilidade e design visual do seu site e visibilidade online.


Os comentários são livres, portanto não expressam necessariamente a opinião do blog.
Usem-no com sapiência, respeito com os demais e fiquem a vontade.
A Administração do Website

Revolta Total Global Democracia Real Já

Democracia Real Ya
Saiba Quem Manda nas Agências de Rating
Saiba Como Funcionam, a Quem Benificiam e Servem os Ratings das Agências de Notação Financeira; Conheça a Moody's

Occupy The Banks

Conheça Dívida Soberana das Nações e o Império do Fundo Monetário Internacional FMI

World Revolution For Real Democracy Now
Conheça os Estatutos do FMI; Direito Especial de Saque Incluido

Take The Square

Occupy Everything

Tomem as Praças
Saiba Porque não Falam na Islândia